I Want To Be Your Boyfriend (Fluff)

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Fanfic based on the song 'I wanna be your girlfriend' by girl in red. Btw I would recommend listening to the song before you read this if you have never heard it before. You can also listen to it while reading this although it might be hard to keep up lol. I hope you enjoy this as it's my first time ever writing a one shot (I'm also in the process of writing a Dnf fanfic which I think is better than this so go check that out after you read this if u want).

George's POV:

Come on Dream where are you... I really need to tell you this or I never will. Ugh why are you never near me when I need you?!

I've been walking all around the park that Dream was at right now. He told me he was coming here... what if he isn't here and I've just been wasting my time? Ugh this man is so confusing.

"Oh George I wanna feel you close"

Wait... is that Dream? Why is he singing? He's singing about me as well...

"Oh George, come lie with my bones,
Oh George don't look away,
Oh George, just look at me the same"

Oh my god he's singing about me
Holy shit this is actually happening
Wait... does Dream like me back?

"I don't wanna be your friend I wanna kiss your lips
I wanna kiss you until I lose my breath
I don't wanna be your friend I wanna kiss your lips
I wanna kiss you until I lose my breath"

Holy shit holy shit holy shit
I'm freaking out so much right now
He doesn't know I'm here does he
I can't believe he wrote this song about me
Just another reason why I love him- I mean uh not love, uh um like? Yeah I just like him that's all...
But more importantly I know that he likes me back

"Oh George, tell me something nice
Like flowers and blue skies
Oh George, I will follow you home
Although my lips are blue and I'm cold"

The way he strums his guitar while he sings this about me, it's just so mesmerising
I really do love him, don't I?
The way his lips move as he sings the words to this song, the song he wrote about me
The way his hair blows in the soft but cold autumn breeze as he moves his head to the beat of the song
The way he looks at me with those confused eyes- wait... oh shit he saw me.

"George? What are you doing here? I thought you were um, at home..." he seemed very shy considering he basically just confessed his feelings to me without even knowing it.

"Well, I was at home. But I came here because I wanted to tell you something, but then I uh- heard your song..." I replied.

"How much did you hear?" He asks.

"Uh, enough to know what it's about..."

"Fuck" I hear him mutter quietly. "Well, you weren't really supposed to find out this way. I was planning on telling you soon but certainly not like this. And I understand if you don't feel the same way obviously, I completely respect if you aren't into me or anything. I would be able to get over my feelings, eventually" he muttered the last part so quietly that I could barely hear it, I smile at his words.

"Well, before I tell you my answer to that, I have a surprise for you."

"Oh, well whats the surprise?"

"This." I say before I lightly grip his face and pull him down. I immediately start kissing him, Dream just stayed still for a few seconds in shock. Soon after he started kissing back and also grabbed my chin to deepen the kiss. We continued that for a few more seconds before I pulled away to catch my breath.

"Does that answer your question?" I ask him with a slight smirk on my face, and also a lot of blush.

He then slowly nods his head symbolising a yes, clearly still in shock at what just happened. I giggle at his actions then stand up, offering for him to take my hand. I see a smirk appear on his face before he grabs my hand then pulling my down and I fall on top of him. "Dream!" I shout, we both burst into laughter. A few minutes later we had calmed down enough and I got off of Dream, not realising how close we were until after which made me blush a whole lot more that I already was.

This time I reach my hand out for Dream again, this time he actually takes it and I pull him up. We are now standing with our faces just inches away from each other. I slowly lean in and connect our lips once again except this time it's filled with a lot more love than the first one. I pull away a few seconds later, feeling the blush return it's place back on to my face. "I love you Dream" I say, seeing him smiling just as big as me right now. "I love you too George."

We then started to make our way back home, holding the entire way which made me have butterflies in my stomach the entire way there. When we finally got home, I was debating on whether I should ask him. Would he say yes? Would he say yes to the question "will you be my boyfriend?" Oh shit I said that out load didn't I?

"Yes! Oh my gosh you have no idea how long I've been wanting that for! Of course I'll be your boyfriend George" I am smiling so much right now, I am so happy. I had got everything I had ever wanted:

To be your boyfriend


Word count: 1039

Yoooo my first one shot!!

Hope you enjoyed and didn't cringe from the kissing scene... I have never wrote a kissing scene before ok don't judge me :( Ik it's bad but it's not that bad, right...?

Anyways hope you still liked it! :]

Have a good day/afternoon/night! Love you all <3


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