The begining of the survivors story

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The Controller clan Blood Elves found the head huntress(my moms)real identity and declared her guilty.
Because she was the last survivor of the dragon clan,her clan destroyed everything with their great deal of dragon power in the past.

The Dragon clan brought destruction to the elf world,also brought fearful wars.
One day an elf with an ancient clan power(blood elf power)which was a clan power everyone thought was extinct,came and defeated every single one of the dragon clan members.(it is called cursed clan because they brought the most tragic years)

My dad,the heir to the wind elf clan,and my mom escaped together because they were seeing each other secretly with my dads travelling to dimensions(and portal opening)power.
They had a sorcerer friend living in one of those dimensions,although their clans were enemies,mom and dad fell in love and i was born ,12 years later my moms identity was found and war began again because the controllers decided that my dad and his clan were betrayers.
They made a meeting with the supporting clan and named his guilt as "Cooperating with the criminal".

The Wind Elf Clan was a large clan and had many supporters but so did the Blood Elf Clan .
The war started to get more violent when everytime a new clan joined as an ally to the Wind Elf clan and Blood Elf Clan.
Even though Wind Elf Clan had many comrades and believers,The hatred and the urge to gain my moms powerful dragon power so many people switched their sides and created a new army.

Mom and dad knew they would kill me as soon as they had found that i had the dragon power too and especially if they had discovered that i could turn into one.

Mom once told me that when a "Carrier" s dragon gets taken by others,the dragon carrier and that dragons power dies and never be reborn again.

My Mom and dad s disappearance would be found by the time they were gone but on the other hand,
I had a very high possibility to escape without getting noticed.

The sad part was there were always sacrifices that had to be made in order to save a life or change a destiny so In order to keep me hidden and rescue me .

My dad opened a portal for me to escape and teleported me to the dimension which their sorcerer friend was living ,I was the last survivor of the dragon clan and was supposed to be the heir to the wind elf clan.

But I was no longer anyone and I would never think of my clan,my family name nor regaining my family trees honor.
My parents were murdered and probably the wind elf clan members were mostly dead,
Half of the other clans switched their sides to save their children and the other half probably couldnt bare to betray their clan nor keep their eyes closed while everyone around them dies so they escaped,
It is all up to me now .I have to live,ive seen so many things i was never supposed to,but i have to be strong and bare everything and cherish this life my parents sacrificed everything to gave me. I am alone now

Hello Everyone! This is the the begining of my story but not the first chapter,Think of this more like a description or like ive written to the begining,prologue
Since this was the prologue i didnt make it that long,dont worry I will try to make them as long as I can for the readers who like to read as much as they can.
I am not an American nor English so there might be some grammar mistakes,missing parts.
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