Red Flag to Bull is Rainbow Flag to Homophones

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Frank's POV

"The Human's a mess." Gerard quoted, stretching out his face to look like Sebastian.
"Please Gerard. With hair like your you have to be Ariel."
"With hair like your you have to be Eric."
"Damn. I was considering bleaching it to become Ursula."
He giggled, tucking his head into the crook of my neck.
This was heaven, we were cuddled up on my couch watching a film, of which the two lovers had similar appearances to us. Gerard was a sucker for cute films and I was a sucker for cute boys so it was a win-win situation.
The film was so fun, Gerard sang along to the songs.
He was so darn theatrical.
He was also really gorgeous, even when he pulled his long-Sebastian-like face.
We spent the evening watching and mocking each other's filmic doppelgangers;
"Do you think that a puffy white shirt is a good choice?" Gee questioned.
"What redhead wears an all pink outfit?"
"He looks like a cloud."
"She looks like an undercooked steak."
"Calm down, Gordan Ramsy."
Soon after my mother came down stairs warning us that my father might wake up soon, as it was only 6:00 and he hadn't eaten dinner yet;
"You are welcome to join us Gerard."
"Oh no, I think I've stirred up enough trouble 'round here for tonight." He was being too polite to my Mother, he was always so goddamn nice.
"If you're sure." She was pretty nice too.
Just as the movie was drawing to a close, the stairs began to creak.
My Father was coming down,
"Hey Frankie. I might have to get up now?"
"No." I clung to him tighter.
"Frankie, I don't want him to decapitate you."
"No." I inched closer.
"Frankie, I like you more with your head on your shoulders."
"No." This really wasn't getting through to him.
"Frank. He might cut your hair in the process."
"Please stay for a bit more. It's only 6:30."
"The o'clock doesn't matter. It's time for this horrible behavior to stop."
Gravelly voice? Check.
Looming shadow? Check.
Homophobic comment? Check.
Must be my Father.
"Hey Dad. Wanna watch the rest of the film with us?" I was gonna be cool. I know Gerard hadn't made the best first impression on my Dad and was a little uneasy so I think I'll try and make up for it.
"Frank. Gerard. Linda!" He called for my mother, who slipped towards us, also playing the 'cool' card.
"Yes dear?" She was doing well.
"We all need to talk."
Gerard tried to move away from me but I kept a firm arm around his waist.
"Sure Dad."
My mum sat down, purposefully next to Gee, so he felt like he was wanted and that we wouldn't let my Dad belittle him.
"So. Frank. Gerard, how long have you been dating?"
"About a month or two."
"Because Gee was nice to me at the football game when I felt really awkward and then as I got to know him I saw that he had similar interests to me. Every time you dragged me to a game I got to see something new about him; how nice his hands are, how silky his voice is, how silly his jokes are, how sparkly his eyes are. I loved how reserved he was when I first met him, but then how quickly he started to be more sassy, I just love to talk to him. I'd rather have empty pillow talk with Gee then a serious conversation with anyone any day because Gee makes me feel at home. He is also a really good kisser. "
My mum out a hand on her heart and mouthed a silent 'awww' but my Dad ignored it.
"And Gerard."
"Uh...I met Frankie at the football game, like he said and really like the way he spoke and the little nicknames and monikers he called out to the players. We always talked, Frank has such a soothing voice and it made me feel happy. I started to fall for him, for his gorgeous hair, cheekbones, his personality, his likes, dislikes,hobbies,passions, and his laugh. I especially love his laugh, and how he was always as equally interested in me as I was him. So I decided to kiss him and he kissed me back. I took him out for a date later, I loved how easily we could talk and just filled the silence with music and banter so asked him to be my boyfriend. He said yes."
My mum literally looked like a 16 year old girl watching the notebook.
My Dad did not.
He was mad.
I was the red flag and he was the bull.
But I was a rainbow flag.
"It is not natural."
"Neither is the Italian leather shoes you pride yourself on."
"Leather comes from cows."
"So does milk. But if you add sh*t to it it becomes materialized. Like Coffee."
"Frankie dear, don't talk sh*t about coffee." Gee whispered, earning a laugh from my mum.
"I don't like it. But I see that your descriptions of each other show you might have romantic feelings towards each other. If Gerard was female I'd be very happy for you but homosexuality is wrong. So don't do it in front of me." My Dad said, getting up and heading back upstairs.
"I think that's the closest you'll ever get to him saying he approves of your relationship." My mum said as soon as my Dad was out of sight
"Thank Mum." I mumbled.
"Your acceptance means a lot Linda." Gerard said, sincerity in every word.
"Well, you two are so cute together. When you spoke about why you loved each other I almost cried."
"Thank you?" I was a little confused.
"I mean, it was beautiful. You two are my, my, O-T-V."
"OTP mum."
"Oh. Well you are."
"I'll add your mum to the lost of people that ship us." Gerard said, chuckling.
"Yeah, with Ray and Mikey."
We sat and chuckled.
"Do you want to stay the night Gerard?" My mum asked. Such a shipper.
"I would love to, if that's okay?"
"Yes! Stay!" I said, I was excited. Tonight I would tell Gerard I loved him, then hold him, then fall asleep with him, then wake up with him, then tell him I loved him again.
"Alrighty then. Thank you Linda," Gerard was so polite, with that my Mum left. Probably off to read a gardening magazine or something.
"It's only like, 7:00. Let's watch the 2nd little mermaid." I said, getting up from the couch to put the disk in,
"Your extensive Disney collection makes me very happy." He stretched out on the couch.
I rejoined him, he put his arm around my shoulder and I turned to peck him on the lips.

<after the movie>
Frank's POV
"I'm tired." I whined,
"Same." Gerard copied my childish tone.
"Let's head upstairs."
"Do you want to borrow something to sleep in?"
"Frankie, I'm a good head taller than you."
"You say that like all my clothes aren't like 3 sizes to big for me."
"They won't fit."
"You just want us in our boxers don't you."
"God Frankie, even when you're sleepy you're flirty."
I my bedroom door and went to my draw
"Here." I chucked a grey-tee at him.
"I'm gonna try it on but it won't fit."
"I feel like my stubbornness has rubbed off on you."
He just grabbed the hem of his shirt and pulled it over his head.
"What? Me?" He pretended to be shocked, standing there with his hand on his (bare) chest.
"Yes. You." I smirked and stepped forward to kiss him.
It was a quick but lovely kiss. There was never a time that Gerard didn't make butterflies fill my gut,
He pulled away and slipped my shirt over his head.
"Wow this is actually a huge shirt."
"A-huh." It was an XXL shirt I bought as a dare; I had to go into a super-store with pillows shoved under my shirt and try on clothes.
It hung nicely on Gerard, so I could see his collar bones. He was so pretty.
I pulled on a black tee and slipped on my jeans.
"My turn to stare." Gee said, arms crossed over his chest, a smug smile on his face.
"Really now?"
"Yep. Hot."
"What? Me?"
"No! Me!" He flipped his hair over his shoulder and giggled.
I shook my head. Why did I love this boy?
Soon we were actually ready for bed, a few innuendos and flirty comments aside.
Under my duvet, we cuddled. I could never get close enough to Gerard.
"I love you Frank." His muffled voice came.
"What?" I was a little shocked
"I love you."
"Well I was hoping to tell you first but I suppose this will do. I love you too."
I heard him sigh and then lean in to kiss me,
It was passionate but gentle, his tongue carelessly roaming around my mouth. His lips were hypnotic, I was not lying earlier when I said he was a good kisser. He made me feel light as air, even if I had his entire body pressed up onto mine.
He pulled back, a little short of breath,
"I love you Frankie."
"I love you Gee."
AN: TWO VOTES IS AMAZING THANK YOU SO MUCH! I LOVE EVERYONE! (I also sit up high, surrounded by the sun, with one million branches.)
Help me I quotes PTV too much.

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