That was clichè and now you will go go Hell

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< Day of Exhibit>
Frank's POV

It was opening day and I was waiting on the corner for Gerard.
He was almost running late, and I was looking for a glimpse of his hair.
That boy was like a stop light. He makes my heart stop.
Frank. That was clichè and now you are going to hell.
You are also queer as a 3 dollar bill so maybe you were going to Hell anyway.
I was looking the other way when someone tapped me on the shoulder.
"Gee? What the fuck?"
He was smiling but his hair!
He had redyed it black:
"What's up Frankie?"
He was clearly giddy with excitement.
"Your hair?!"
I was so shocked. It was really hot. He looked good.
"Do you like it?"
I know in most situations he'd been nervous about but he was actually childlike excited about his exhibit. It was nice to see him like this because otherwise I'd fuck him against the wall cause of how f*cking hot his hair was.
"I love it! It looks really f*cking hot."
"I'd normally make a seductive comment but we have to go inside."
"Let's do this. Mr Way."
"Mr. Way. That's hot."
"Not now Gee."
"Later." He winked.
He took my hand and led me inside. We walked past a line of people. I think more people than Gee had expected. This is so f*cking amazing.
We walked through a 'STAFF ONLY' door to the back entrance of an exhibit.
It has an explanation that I read out:
'Gerard Way has been chosen as this months upcoming artist. He is 25 years old and has lived here, in Belleville since birth. He attends the local College and enjoys painting but doesn't enjoy cleaning the paint he spills. All art is up for sale, prices suggested by the gallery.'
He was blushing. He would have gone as red as his hair but he'd dyed it.
"Staphhhh. Frankie."
"Did you write this?"
"Kinda. I filled in a questionnaire and the gallery put it all together."
"What was the question?"
"Name. Age. Place of Birth.Job. Likes."
"You should have said Frank for likes."
"I don't like you. I love you."
"Who are you. The Clichè police?"
"Yes. You are under arrest."
I kissed him on the jaw, all the way up to his lips. He kissed back, softly. I hadn't hidden how hot I thought he looked so he took a smart approach and decided not to give me a boner in the gallery.
"That was cliche."
"Yeah. All I have to do to be more clichè is hit you in front of a 'do not touch the art' sign."
"Come on."
He dragged me past his work. I wanted to stop and look at the art. He was proud, but in a sheepish way. That was the thing about Gee, he hated compliments, or at least didn't know what to do when he received them.
"No Frankie. Stop."
"Gerard. Please. I am proud of my beautiful boyfriend."
He blushed,
"Okay. But not so slow. We have to see the manager in 30 minutes."
We walked, holding hands.
I call a cliche.
When we reached the end of the exhibit there was a book with reviews in it.
"No Frankie. I don't want to see."
"Well. I do. I'm gonna read some out."
I opened looked over someone's shoulder and read;
"This is some wicked stuff. I wanna see more!"
"Who needs wallpaper when you can just cover your walls in this guy's stuff?"
"Gerard Way. You are brilliant!"
"Well I might need another shift, cause I blew too much money on this brilliant art."
"Hope something comes up permanently."
Gerard hid his head in his hands and I stopped.
"Frannnnk." He groaned at me. Skipping his hand around my waist
"I'm proud." I retorted
"Uh, Gerard." A voice said, from behind us.
We turned awkwardly, his grip on my waist was firm.
"Hello sir." He leant over to shake the man's hand.
"Uh, Frank this is the manager of the gallery, and this is my boyfriend Frank."
"Hi," I said, shaking his hand.
"So Gerard. This exhibit has really taken off, people love it. We've sold about half of your paintings, which rarely happens with our single exhibits. Speaking of which we want a piece to put up permanently."
"Really. We want a new piece, so if you have one that fits the criteria you can use it or paint another."
"It just has to be a 30x50 and an oil-on-canvas piece."
"Okay. I think I might have got one of those. I'll touch it up and bring it in next week."
"Thank you."
"The profits from ticket sales are at the front desk and we will send the auction money next week."
"Thank you!"
We said our goodbyes and walked to the front desk.
"Thank you for coming." He said, kissing the top of my forehead.
"Thank you for letting me come, and thank you for dying your hair such a hot colour."
"Well. I knew it was one of your favourites."
"You're my favourite."
"Does this mean another kiss."
"Later." He winked.
He walked up to the front desk, I decided to stand back for the transaction.
"Hey Gerard. Well done."
"Hello Lindsey."
"So, you did really well."
"You know my shift ends in a bit. We could get out of her."
Was she flirting with my boyfriend?
Oh my. I could be angry but I kinda wanted to laugh, because Gerard looked like he was gonna laugh too.
"Oh no. I'm gonna go hang out with my boyfriend." He stepped back and ushered towards me. I smiled and waved at her.
"Oh. Bye." She was really discouraged.
"Bye Lindsey."
He walked away and pulled me in close:
"Sorry about her."
"Oh it's okay. It was kinda funny."
"I know. She's desperate."
"I'd say I'm desperate for you to but I think I've reached my Clichè quota for the day."
"I think we have. Wanna go out for lunch? I'll pay."
"No. I want to go back to mine with you. "
"And f*ck me against a wall or watch a movie?"
"Little bit of both?"
"We can't watch Disney. You can't f*ck me to A Whole New World."
We walked back to my house, it was further than we thought,
"God. This is the most exercise ever." I said
"I should have worn my short-shorts."
"You do not own short-shorts."
"I do."
"Burn them."
"No. I love them."
"Burn them or burn in hell."
"Frank, this is so hostile."
"Sorry. I love you."
"I love you too."
He kissed my forehead, it was sweet, normally I didn't like my height being taken advantage of but Gee was just very sweet.
We finally arrived at my place, and I opened the door.
"Hello?" I wanted to know if anyone was home because I knew it was important to not flaunt my large homosexuality (and large dick) in front of my Father.
"Hi dear! Is Gee with you?"
Great. My mum was home.
I shrugged at Gerard, who shrugged back showing it was cool that we didn't do the deed.
"Yeah. We just got back from Gee's exhibition."
We walked into the living room, where my mum was sitting at the kitchen table with a cup of tea and the paper.
Gee nudged me, and pointed to a painting in the wall. His painting.
"What handsome devil painted that?"
"Some loser called Gee Way."
"Oh. He sounds hots. Wonder if he's single."
"He's not." I pecked his lips.
My mum awwwed and we both blushed.
"It's a lovely painting Gerard." She said
"Thank you Linda."
"Your hair looks lovely?"
"Oh. Thank you again."
"Let's watch a movie!" I said, pulling him along before sitting him next to me.
"What movie? We can't watch the little mermaid forever."
"I want to watch a comedy."
"With or without Adam Sandler?"
" I don't know."
"Grown ups?"
"Yeah. It makes me feel better about my awkwardness."
"Your awkwardness? I hope you aren't challenging my awkwardness."
"I used to have a Mohawk and draw 'x's over my eyes with eyeliner."
"That sounds bad but I'm sure you made it hot. I used to have blue hair on the crown of my head."
"I'm sure you made it hot."
"You know what isn't hot?"
"Adam Sandler."
We watched the movie, occasionally poking fun at Adam Sandler and the plot. It was a nice film and made us laugh.

AN: Ta-Da. I updated twice in like, an hour. Be proud.

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