The Possessed P2

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Shigure and Tohru walked into the library, as Shigure pulled out a book close to the entrance, Tohru watches him for a moment. She was uncertain weather to tell Shigure the truth, when he spoke.

"You didn't find the book in the library, did you?"

"How did you-?!"

"I visit the library every break, and never once came across a book like the one you had."

"I'm sorry... I didn't mean to lie..."

"It's fine, Tohru. But, please tell me how did you ended up with that book?" Shigure asked as he glanced at her with a raised eyebrow. Making her look away.

"I don't remember... my parents had the book, but was given it to them by a friend..."

Shigure signs. "Well, since we are here... how about we read some books?" He smiled as he started to pick up books from every genre. But... what about Yuki and Kyo? Are they going to be OK alone? Tohru had an image of seeing her living in chaos. Everything broken due to their fight. Turning her glance at Shigure, she could see how relaxed he was. It seemed to her that he wanted to leave them to fight and escape the drama.

After what felt like hours at the library, Tohru and Shigure returned back to her house, only to find someone racing towards them. Tohru frozed to see a boy looking like he was a zombie just like the girl on the news. He starts pointing at them and yelling something unclear, making Tohru jump back and hide behind Shigure.

"YOU!" The boy spatted as he points at her. "NOW!"

As the boy steps towards them, Shigure holds onto Tohru as if she was fragile. Until, someone races towards them.

"Miss Honda!"

Tohru and Shigure both glanced over the boy's shoulder to find Yuki and Kyo racing towards them. The boy turned to face Yuki with his red glowing eyes. He hissed almost like a cat. Until, Kyo throwed his fist back and swinged at the boys face. The boy's head fall back by instict as his fist hits.


"Did he hurt you?" Yuki asked as he took deep breaths.

"No. He didn't."

Shigure held her tight on her shoulder. Something felt somewhat wrong when he held her close to him, as if he was warning him to stay away. "Everything is OK. I'm here." He said as if trying to reassure him.

"I can see that." Yuki rolled his eyes as he took her by the hand and lead her back home, away from Shigure's grip. "Let's go home."

Tohru was surprised to see Yuki being overprotective and uncertain about Shigure. Was he hiding something from her? Or was she just imagening it? As soon as they stepped inside the small house, Yuki was making her feel uncomfortable.

"One of us, will have to watch over you. Just in case." Yuki began as Kyo and Shigure both sat in silence, trying to ignore him. "Not since, when the others are after you."

"But, Yuki. I'm perfectly OK. Really?" Tohru replied.

"That may be true, but..." Yuki looked at both Shigure and Kyo.

"You know, you are so annonying for a rat." Suddenly Yuki threw Kyo into the air, making him land face down on the other side of the couch.

"Want me to see if I can throw you even higher? Or perhaps you would like me to throw you off the roof?"

"You fucking rodent!" Kyo hissed as he covers his bleeding nose. Tohru knew this would happen... why don't they see eye to eye?

After Tohru washed the dishes, she steps back into the living room only to find Kyo nowhere to be seen. Glancing around the room, she could see Yuki reading a book, while Shigure was writing notes on his pad. Without a single word, she decides to look for Kyo. Climbing up the steps, she peeks in the guest room and her room. Knocking on the bathroom door, she waits.

"Kyo?" She whispers. Silence. She was lost, until she heard a thud coming from above. "The roof?" Tohru steps back towards the guest room to find the window open. Climbing up the ladder, Tohru begins to shake in fear. Why is Kyo up here? It's too cold... When she reached the top, she could barely make out orange spiky hair. "Kyo?" Kyo jumped and turned to the side to face her.

"WHAT THE HECK?! WHAT ARE YOU DOING UP HERE?!" He asked completely shocked.

"I wanted to ask you the same thing, actually." Tohru smiled as she begins to crawl towards him slowly.

"Did you forgot? Cats like high places."

"No. I meant... why are you-!" Before she could say anything, a piece of tile begins to slide underneath her weight. She begins to slide off the roof.

"Tohru!" Kyo slide down and grasp her hands tightly. He pulled her up with ease and strength, making her land and crash into his chest, lips almost touching his. Both staring into one another's eyes as he begins to blink and push her away with a blush. "W-Watch where you're going!" He stutters as he looks away rubbing his nose with a finger.

"I'm sorry..." Tohru started as she did the same. "I just wanted to know if you was OK... that's all..."

"OK? Why wouldn't I be OK?" He asked as they both stare at the city in front of them.


"I'm worried." He said slightly. "I need to get that scroll back!"


Kyo glared at her and then nodding his head at the city. "For their safety." Tohru followed his gaze at the city once more. Wait. Does he mean, the people down there? What about the people in the city? As if reading her mind, he explains. "It happened not so long ago..." He spoke as a whisper, Tohru turned to face him. "It was under my watch, but... someone took the scroll..." He must be talking about what Yuki said. So, it happened before?

Kyo continued. "It was when all the people near and far, got possessed. They lost their minds and started to attack anyone who got near or try to intervene." Tohru watched as he stood up and growled. He raised his fist in anger. "If I could get the scroll back, then I can be finally be one of the twelve!" Wait, what? Tohru's eyes grew wide in shock.

"Wait? Be one of the twelve? But, aren't you a zodiac two?" Tohru asked.   

As the sun set, Tohru lay in her bed thinking about what Kyo said. 'If I could get the scroll back, then I can be finally be one of the twelve!' Was there something going on, with Kyo and the other zodiacs? Was it because of what happened? Or is the cat not part of the zodiac family? There must be a reason... and what's with Shigure? He seems to be hiding a few secrets of his own... Whatever is going on, she knew one person who would never tell a lie... someone she could trust. As sleep finally takes over, Tohru's dreams transports her into a world where she doesn't recognise and yet seemed familiar. A world filled with many different kinds of people with strange and incredible powers.

By the next day, Tohru and the boys started to make their way to school. She could tell that Yuki was on edge every since he saw the symbol. He wasn't looking too well. Even last night, he didn't eat much or sleep. He must be worried about the scroll just like Kyo. Shigure on the other hand, seemed chilled and calm. As if nothing happened. Eventually they reached the school. And as always, they went off in different directions. Tohru felt lonely and sad, but she knew she would see them again after school or at lunch. Looking at the time, she smiled to herself. Since I have free time on my hands, maybe I should visit the library. There was one book, which Shigure was reading that had her interest. As soon as she entered the library, she spotted a tall boy leaning against the wall with a book in hand. He was standing in the way between the entrance and the bookshelf.

"Excuse me, can I get past please?" Tohru asked, only to find the boy not listening or possibly he couldn't hear her due to the loud rock music in his ear piece. She taps his shoulder making him jump and turn to face her. She gasps at the sight of the boy. He didn't look like a student. His white spiky hair covered his eyes slightly. He wore his shirt buttons open, showing the top of his neck and chest. Gold chains hang around his neck, and many earrings hang at the top of his ears. But, what made her even more shocked was the book he had in his hand. It was her parents. The book Shigure was reading that day before...

"Ah, sorry. Didn't see you there." He spoke with a gentle smile. "Can I help you?"

"No. It's OK." Tohru bows her head before asking something with a glint of happiness in her eyes. "I was actually going to read that book."

"Hmm? You mean this book?"

"Yes. I thought it looked familiar. It's my parents book."

"Your parents?" The stranger repeated in shock. "Is your mother perhaps, Kyoko Honda?"

"Yes that's her. My name is Tohru. Tohru Honda."

The stranger remained silent as he stared to wonder and stare at her. "It's a pleasure, the name is Hatsuharu. But, call me Haru."

"It's a pleasure, Haru." Tohru smiles. "Are you interested in astrology?" she asked as he placed the book in her hands.

"You're parents was famous astrologists right?" Haru asked. Tohru nods.

"Yeah. I liked they're work. But, most of their research and facts are wrong." He said as Tohru stared up at him in confusion.


"No. Never mind." Haru patted her shoulder as he steps past her. "Hey, Kyoko's kid." He spoke making Tohru jump slightly. "We might see one another again. See you."

Upon meeting Haru, Tohru's life is starting to get stranger and stranger. Why does she feel strange? Does she know Haru? He seems nice. Hopefully, I get to see him again... But what is with this strange feeling as if something was not right... am I in danger?      

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