They're All Animals!

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They're all zodiacs! Tohru repeated in her head as Yuki sat beside her trying to comfort her, while Shigure held back Kyo. Now that they mention it, they do look different. Despite the ears and tails, their clothes had changed. Yuki's normal blue shirt and pants, was now a long blue kimono decorated with rats. Shigure was wear a grey kimono, that matched his dog ears. And Kyo's normal orange t-shirt and grey pants was now also a kimono. It was a plain orange kimono with fur on his collar.

"Miss Honda, can we go somewhere more private...?" Yuki asked as he glanced out the window towards the empty grounds. Tohru nods. There was one place that she knew would be safe, so did Yuki. And that was her family home.

It took awhile getting home, for Tohru. She never walked home with zodiacs before... Actually, that wasn't true. Yuki would always made sure she was safely home. But, she didn't knew that he was the rat. Every now and then, Tohru would turn her head around to see if the guys was following her. It wasn't ideal. But, they did say that they would be hiding in the shadows for the time being. She would normally hear something in the alley ways, like a trash can being kicked. She made her way past the billboard, ignoring the music and headed straight down towards her neighbourhood. Eventually, she got home after a long, terrifying walk. She had so many questions... Turning, she spots Yuki, Shigure and Kyo part animals, standing underneath her door frame.

"What a lovely home." Shigure smiled as he pulled Kyo by the collar inside, letting Yuki close the door.


"Thank you, Miss Honda." Yuki smiled as he ignored Kyo. Tohru could tell that they disliked one another. They are both cat and rat after all... but cat and dog? Something about Shigure's playful teasing and orders make Kyo even more angry. Perhaps, Shigure is more mature... then again... Tohru watched as Shigure stepped into the kitchen, took out something from the fridge, he returned eating something from his hand.

"This is delicious. Here try some, Kyo." As Kyo turned mouth half opened, Shigure stick a rare onion down Kyo's throat making him tense up and cough. Maybe not...


"Kyo, you should really be grateful with the food."


Yuki signs. "Miss Honda," Yuki's voice made Tohru turn to face him, her shocked face made him chuckle slightly. "I'm sorry about the confusion. Allow me to explain..."

Everyone sat on the seats surrounding a fireplace. Tohru returned with cups of tea from the kitchen and sat beside Yuki on the sofa. While everyone took their tea, Yuki turned to face her.

"Miss Honda, as Shigure said. We are part of the zodiacs. I am the rat and also the leader of the whole zodiac estate. Shigure is the dog. And he is the annoying, stupid cat." Yuki pointed his thumb at Kyo.


"Stop being so loud."

Tohru glanced at Shigure in worry. Shigure just shock his head and shrugged. Giving her the suggestion that they do this all the time.

"I... have a few questions..." Tohru said, making all three turn to face her. "Is this all real?"

"Yes. I understand you are confused, but I can assure you. This is all true." Yuki replied.

"LOOK!" Kyo began. "We haven't got time for THIS! We have to get the scroll back, thanks to a certain someone for losing it!" Kyo hissed as he points at Tohru.

"Yes. That is the case. But, that's why we need Tohru's help." Shigure spoke as he sipped his tea. "If I recall, the same thing happened before. Thanks to your stupidity." Yuki glared at Kyo, who started to growl. "After all, you are a outsider. You are not part of the zodiacs. You are not part of the twelve." Something made Kyo snap and he got up and slammed his fist against her table in anger.

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