The Scripter

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Tohru's life has completly changed after meeting Shigure, Yuki and Kyo - the zodiac guardians. She even saw the unqiue and special qualities between them. Everyone has their own strenghts and weaknesses. Upon meeting the guys, she met another strange character. Haru. Who was he? His voice sounds familiar as she heard it before... Tohru would normally study hard in lesson, but after meeting with Haru, she wasn't in her own world. Yuki could tell that she wasn't herself, after lesson he decided to confront her.

"Miss Honda, are you alright? You're not feeling ill are you?"

"No. I'm fine."

Tohru smiled as she gathers her things and put them in her bag. Yuki signed sadly. Something is wrong... but what could it be? Yuki thought as he watched her leave. Kyo (who was pretending to be asleep) opened his eyes and stared at the open door. All his cat senses started to stand up. His cat-like eyes glowed. Something is definitely wrong. Kyo thought to himself through the silence. And he was right. Just after Tohru stepped out in the campus, three boys started to harrass her. Only, they were possessed! As they stepped towards her, Kyo (out of now where) lands between them, with all his feline qualities.


Kyo hissed at the boys as if replying to her question.

"Stay away from the girl!" He hissed as the three boys stepped closer. "I'm warning you!" Tohru watched as they stopped and pointed at her.

"WE... HER!"

Kyo stood tall, hiding her frame behind him. Without any warning, they lashed out. Running towards Kyo with great speed and power like a ox. Kyo attacked back, pushing them away and using his strenght and power to knock them down. As two was keeping Kyo distracted, their leader came charging towards Tohru.


Kyo turned after taking both of his hetchmen down. Rushing towards the leader, he grabs him by the collar and throws him behind him. After a few minutes, Kyo turned to face Tohru with anger in his eyes.

"Look what you done?!" He growled as he points at the three boys behind him. "You shouldn't daze of into your little wonderland, these possessed want you. You know it's dangerous."

"I'm sorry..." Tohru glanced down at her feet. Holding her hands together as Kyo growled loudly. She watched his tail sway for awhile, before glancing back up to meet his eyes... that's when she was the leader getting back up with something in his hand. Has that always been there? No. He didn't had a knife... he was now up on his feet and was charging towards Kyo. "Kyo! Behind you!"

Kyo turned slowly, when the blade cuts his arm deeply. Kyo hissed as the pain spreads, Tohru gasps and covers her mouth in shock.

"NOW. I'M. GETTING. PISSED!" Kyo roared as he swiped his claws to the direction where the boy was. Swinging his claws back and forth until, he knocked the knife out of the boy's grip and scratched the boy across the chest and face. Tohru races towards Kyo, and hugged him. He raised his fist to finish the job, when she hugged him from behind. Her grip was hanging onto his raised arm, trying to stop him. "WHAT?"

"Don't. He had enough. Please, don't be a monster." Tohru begged. Kyo's eyes widen as he stared down at the boy on the floor. He was wounded and beaten. Bruised and bleeding. Broken. Then looked back at Tohru. She looked fearful but relieved that he came. He didn't wanted her to see this side of him... Signing, he let the boy go. "Let's go." He started as he grasp her wrist tightly and pulled her out of the school grounds and down the busy streets. Watching from the class window (where Kyo jumped out from) Yuki's eyes dart towards the gates and then back at the boys. This situration was getting worse... by the minute... why are they after Miss Honda? Yuki decided to leave and finishthe job himself... Before anything could happen. Tohru and Kyo made their way into a deserted alleyway, it felt strange to hide from people but for Kyo, Yuki and Shigure it was a normal thing. Especially when they look part animal and part human. Kyo sat on a step, looking at his wound. After the fight, he covered his wound with his other free hand as they raced around the streets hiding from others.

"Let me see your wound?" Tohru asked as she removed his hand to see it more clearly. "I'm sorry, Kyo... if this hadn't happen... then you wouldn't have been injured... it was all thanks to me..." Tohru begins to cry, which made Kyo roll his eyes and huff.

"Yeah, if it wasn't for you." He stared down at the wound for awhile. Tohru jumped up and started to rush off somewhere. Kyo grasp her wrist and pulling her back. "Where do you think you're going?"

"Going to get some bandages..."

Kyo smiled slightly as he pulled her close and dragged her down to sit beside him. "No. Need." He fiddled the zip pocket of a manbag and took out white bandages. "As a fighter, I keep bandages." Tohru blinked her eyes as if remembering when she was hurt. He took out bandages from his pants pocket. Kyo handed the bandages to her.


"What? Do you think I can put these bandages on my arm by myself?"

Tohru took the bandage and begins to wrap the wound around his arm, tightly as Kyo instructed. With every wrap, a little cry cried out from all around the alleyway. Tohru stopped as a grey kitten came running up to them, with many more following suit. She watched as they all surrounded Kyo. His reaction made her giggle as his eyes widen and he gave daggered looks at the cats, then back at her.

"What's with these cats?" Tohru asked as she stroked a kitten as it came close to her and sniffed her hand. Kyo watched her gentle hands touch the kitten's head. Until, she turned to face him. She tries to hold a laugh as she points at the kitten on his head. "Aw~ He's trying to get your attention."

"Ash is a she...!" Kyo corrected her, he stopped short after realising what he said.

"Ah, so you name them?"

He scold her as he signed loudly. "IF. YOU. TELL. ANYONE." He began. "I. WILL. KILL. YOU!" At first, that would scare her, but after seeing his soft side, his threats didn't scare her. As she just smiled warmly.

"I won't tell a soul."

Something about him being soft and kind made her smile and feel warm inside. If he wanted her dead, he could have done it already. Instead of saving her. Kyo stroked each and everyone of the cats around them, introducing her to each and every single cat.

"Being a zodiac, the animals that we are closest to, will follow us." Kyo explained as the cats started to sleep around their feet, on their laps and on the steps. "I guess they can tell, that I am one of them..." Kyo signed. Ah, so maybe rats follow Yuki... I can't imagine rats following Yuki around. "Oh, I almost forgot." Kyo took of a familiar necklace off his neck and gives it to Tohru. "You left this in the podium. I was about to give it to you, but... the timing was wrong..."

"I thought I lost this..." Tohru took the necklace as Kyo stared down at the pendant.

"How did you get this?"

"You mean the pendant?" Tohru asked. Kyo nod. "My mother gave it to me. When I was starting this school." Kyo remained quiet.

"Do you know what that pendant means?" He asks making Tohru wonder for a moment.

"No. What does it mean?"

"You are completly clueless." Kyo leaned back and rested his hands upon the back of his neck. "The pendant itself is a powerful pen. It has the power to rewrite the order of the scroll." Kyo explains and Tohru glanced down at the quilt feather. This? "You don't know do you?" Kyo asked as he looks through her puzzeled expresson.

"Don't know what? Is there something I should know?"

Kyo remained slient. It wasn't his job to tell her. It was Yuki's. And yet, that damn rat hasn't told her anything...

"You will have to know the truth. Your mother was a scripter."

A scripter? what's that?

Kyo continued. "A scripter is one of the most powerful holders ever. They can change the order of the scroll by rewriting it. The pendant around their necks holds the power to change that. Just like changing the past." Tohru nods trying to understand what he was trying to say. "YOU STILL DON'T UNDERSTAND?! DO YOU?" Kyo growled waking up the kittens around them. The one on his lap begins to jump and slap him across the face with it's paw.

After awhile, Kyo signed as he stood up and turned away from her.

"Come on, let's go." Tohru nods as she put down the cat on her lap and stood up. What was Kyo trying to say? My mother was a scripter... does that mean I am one two? Maybe that's why the possessed was after me... cause I study my parents work... Was he trying to warn me? In his own cool way?

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