Time For Action

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"You are all elements!" Tohru began one morning making Yuki, Kyo and Shigure all stare at her in confusion.

"Miss Honda,"

"It's true!" Tohru started as she leaned forward in glee.

"What on earth are you talking about?" Kyo signed as he opened the carton of milk and begun to drink from it.

"How many times do I have to tell you, not to drink out from the carton." Yuki remarked as Kyo stuck his tongue out at him.

"Isn't it obvious? The elements like wind, fire ,water, air... You guys are part of it!"

Shigure thought about it, suddenly excited with the news.

"I wouldn't mind being a element. Maybe I'm cool like ice."

"Ice isn't part of the elements of nature." Yuki snapped as he stared at Tohru's beaming face. Tohru explains.

"Last night, I couldn't sleep... So I started to search up what the zodiacs mean. Weather anyone could be a zodiac. That's when I spot the elements. You see, you each hold the elements of nature. And it links to the world's balance..."

Everyone remand silent as she carried on.

"It said that if each of the four elements work together, then it could lead to peace. Other times it could lead to destruction..."

Yuki signed. "Unless the elements of harmony are balanced together..." Tohru was shocked knowing Yuki knew the elements of harmony. "I've read every book and legend of the elements. Did you know that the zodiacs was first used as time trilogy? But then Yeng and Yang got missed into it..."

Shigure closed his fan and look her into the eyes. "Tohru, why are you telling us this, all of a sudden?"

Tohru thought about it in confusion. Worried how they might react if she told them... But if Yuki knows about the elements... Perhaps Shigure and Kyo knows two.

"It can help you. I thought if you knew about what kind of element you was... You might understand one another better and yourself too..." Tohru rubbed her hands together, nervously. "I mean we have one of each element here..."

"One of each element?!"

Tohru turned to face Kyo who looked shocked.

"Yes, Kyo. Yuki is a water spirit. His cool, calm and collected personality matches his raging spirit." Tohru begun as Shigure stood up tall and pat Yuki by the shoulders. Poor Yuki blushed as flinched at his cousins touch. "Shigure is down to earth and doesn't show much negativity. His playful spirit is written not only as a dog but his calm and... Laid back personality."

Laid back? Both Yuki and Kyo thought to themselves. More like lazy.

"And of course there's you Kyo." Tohru begun with a smile.

"Forget it! The cat is not part of the zodiac order! Like that rat said! I'm not even part of the twelve. So, don't count me in."

"Well at least you agree with something." Yuki remarked as Kyo hissed and raised his fist.

"What did you say, you stupid rat?!"

"That would be my line. Stupid cat."


Tohru raised her hands up and stood between them both. "Kyo..."


"All I was trying to say is that... Kyo, even though you aren't part of the twelve, you are still a zodiac. Partly due to your fiery altitude... And wanting to fight... You are the fire element."

Fruits Basket: The Guardians of the ZodiacWhere stories live. Discover now