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Colter slammed the tall grey locker that held his sweaty practice jersey, a picture of Drucella, and two cans of spray deodorant.

"Did you hear Rogan is throwing an end-of-year party Friday? You game?" One of Colter's teammates shoved a towel in Colter's direction.

Taking the towel, he sat and wiped off the sweat from his forehead. "Can't. Druella has something planned for us."

"Dude, this party will be the best of the year. Get Drucella to come with you."

Colter discarded the dirty towel into the large waste basket. "You know she hates those parties." Druella had found drunken teens to be ridiculous. Colter couldn't blame her, but they were only young once.

Treston sat across from Colter on the opposite bench. "This is why you need to be single. Drucella should have stayed in the friend zone until it was time to settle down. You had the girl and the freedom. Why ruin that?"

Colter sighed. "You don't understand. She's my soulmate. We are Colter and Drucella. Always have been and always will be."

"I know that. We all know she is it for you. That's why you should have waited until you sowed your wild oats."

Colter rubbed the back of his neck. His teammates had been putting pressure on him more and more lately to run wild, but the decision was easy once Colter knew that Drucella was in love with him. His eyes finally got unclouded, and he saw Drucella for who she was. Not only was she his friend, but she was also the love of his life. It seemed everyone knew he loved her before he comprehended for himself.

He recalled when guys would ask him if it would be okay to ask her out. And the death stares she glared at the girls who flirted with him. It was public knowledge. It was always Colter and Drucella. It felt like a missing puzzle piece found when they kissed.

As he pondered on what Treston said, he felt in his gut that maybe, just maybe, that kiss could have waited just a few more years. They'd both be ready to settle down then. He never dared to air those thoughts to Drucella. But then he thought of how Drucella's hair felt between his fingertips when they kissed, of her head on his chest during movie nights, the sound of her laugh when he would pull her in for a hug in his sweaty workout clothes. 

Treston caught Colter pondering on his words. "You know I am right."

Colter stood up frantically. "No. You aren't." He grabbed his clean shirt off the bench. Without taking a second glance, he knew Treston had a smug look of satisfaction on his face.

Crest High was small but adequate. The colors were yellow and royal blue, with pictures of Stingers painted on the walls. Colter darted out of English class to find Presley leaning on his locker. "Try using your locker sometime, Presley."

"So I could do my work? No. Thanks for the suggestion." Presley grabbed the English notes out of Colter's hands.

Colter shook his head. "If it weren't for Drucella and me, you'd be forced to use those brains of yours."

Presley ran a hand through his jet-black waves, pushing the strands out of his eyes. "Drucella would gladly let me fail if she only knew I stole your work that she helps you with."

Colter shut his top locker. "I doubt that."

Presley clicked his tongue. "You remember we are talking about the girl that kicked me in the chins when I told her to get lost?"

"You both were eight." Colter proclaimed.

"What's your point?" Presley said in a serious voice.

Colter laughed, knowing Presley was right. Drucella held grudges. Once she didn't like someone, she never bothered with them again. Presley and she only put up with each other for Colter's sake.

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