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Drucella heard the faint noise of an engine. It kept getting closer and closer until it stopped altogether. She finally looked at the parking lot to see Presley get off his motorcycle.

"We are closed." She dipped her head low, trying to hide her face in the shadows so he wouldn't see her red face and puffy eyes.

His walk was barely a crawl toward her, with each thud of his boot on the concrete. "I know." He sat down beside Drucella. The bench was barely big enough for the both of them, but Presley refused to get up. It creaked underneath the weight of them both.

"Colter sent you to save the damsel in distress, didn't he?" She knew he could hear how her voice was breaking. Drucella hated to be like this in front of anyone, especially Presley. Being strong was the only thing Drucella needed to show in front of people.

"You know the answer to that." Presley's voice was rough and low.

She huffed. "I will key your precious ride if you don't leave me alone."

Drucella could feel him shake from a laugh that escaped him. "Somehow, I don't believe you would hurt any motorcycle, even mine."

Drucella finally raised her head. "Just leave."

"No," Presley commanded. He was not backing down. It was so Presley of him.

"How do you think you can help me?" Drucella was getting aggravated at the sheer presence of him.

Presley outstretched his arm on the back of the bench. "It is almost summer. Our senior year is approaching. How dare I think we can become friends. What's the worst that could happen?"

Drucella was quiet momentarily, taking in what Presley said, friends. Drucella thought the sun would freeze before that happened. She thought about the upcoming summer and how alone she would be. "I could murder you in your sleep." She paused. "Does Colter expect full updates of my life?"

Presley removed his arm from where it was outstretched. He placed his elbows on his knees. Shaking his head, he said, "Do you think that low of me?"

Drucella was not used to Presley being anything but annoying. This was a side she never got to see. "Yes."

 "I am not a messenger to Colter. I wouldn't do that to you. Plus, let him sweat it out. He needs to worry and see what he is losing." 

Drucella looked up at him. Presley was staring out into the darkness beyond the gas pumps. He leaned up, probing his elbows on his knees. The fluorescent lighting from overhead illuminated his black hair, making it appear almost purple from how black it was. The Black Toxins logo was vibrant among the matte leather vest.

The large patch on his back was a decorated poison bottle with swirling borders and three skulls submerged in translucent purple liquid. Black smoke came out of the tip of the bottle, floating around the words, Black Toxins, Eagle Nest, CA. Drucella loved the logo but would never mention it to Presley. He would never let her live it down, complimenting him.

Presley cleared his throat, clearing the daze Drucella was in. "How about this, a truce?"

Drucella did like the sound of a truce as long as he didn't go behind her back like Colter did. She was weary of trusting Presley, but his vulnerability tonight had given her a glimpse into the guy she didn't know. She was tired. She wanted to be alone tonight but knew she didn't need to be alone in the coming days. "Truce."

She stuck her hand out. He shook her hand with a firm grip. "See, nothing went up into flames."


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