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Presley awoke to the sound of vibrating, followed by something smashing against the floor. His arm reached over the side of his bed, hand scrambling at the floor until it landed on his phone. Presley's eyes squinted from the bright glare from the screen that contained a list of missed calls from Drucella.

She had called so much that her name filled the screen. Once his eyes became unfoggy, he dialed her number. Drucella answered the first call. "Presley."

His voice was still rough from sleep when he asked. "What's wrong, Dru?" "Meredith. She is sick. Louisa and I don't know what to do." Drucella's voice was shaky as she spoke. Presley heard rustling in the background.

"Did you call Naya?"

Drucella's voice was calm and barely a whisper. "Ugh, I'm such an idiot." She moaned. "Panic kicked in, and I called you."

Presley threw off his duvet. "I'll be over as soon I can."

Presley wasn't a typical teen with clothes tossed on the floor or over a chair. Everything was neatly put away in its set place. He went to his closet, got a pair of perfectly folded jeans off a built-in shelf, and pulled a pristine red long-sleeve shirt off a hanger. He grabbed his favorite pair of casual riding boots and rushed out the door before turning back to grab a leather biker vest off the back of his door. Naya wouldn't come with him without it.

The dawn was almost on the horizon. The stars still adorned the sky, trying to preserve until the sun stole the spotlight. Presley could feel the dew in the early morning air.

Not only did Naya do most of the babysitting, but she also nurtured many of the townsfolk back to health. Unfortunately, in such a small town and with such a significant crime rate, many can not afford health insurance, so they rely on other medical treatment methods. Thankfully Naya, and other elders, knew a lot about Native American medicine that had been passed down throughout the years in the area.

Presley pulled up to Naya's in his dad's higher-end, fully loaded Silverado. It was only a few years old, but Freeman went out and bought the newest model earlier in the year. Once that happened, he threw the keys to Presley and didn't say a word. Presley still treated it like his dad's truck because he knew his dad. Freeman didn't do things like this, even for Presley.He hopped out of the truck and knocked on the door. He heard light footsteps come to the door before it opened.

"Presley?" Naya opened the door, wrapping her robe tightly around her.

"It's Meredith. She's sick. Drucella called me in a panic."

"Let me go get my satchel." Naya left the door open for Presley to walk in, but he shut it. Instead, he wanted to sit on the porch and breathe fresh air. After a few minutes, Naya stepped out with her satchel full of supplies and a wardrobe change.

After the quick drive, Presley came to a screeching stop in front of the Davis's. He jumped out of the truck, jogging to the passenger side. Naya grabbed Presley's elbow, stepping out of the too-tall vehicle.

Before they both got into the house, Lousia opened the door. "Thank goodness. Come in." She ushered them both to come into the living room.

When Presley entered the room, Drucella cradled Meredith's head, dabbing a wet washcloth on her clammy forehead.

"Naya and Presley are here." Louisa started fiddling with the bottom of her old t-shirt.

Drucella lifted her head up. She carefully seated Meredith's head down on a pillow. "Her temperature hasn't been below 102. She is constantly coughing and complaining of a sore throat. She also has a lot of mucus."

Naya touched Drucella's cheek. "I've got her, dear." She slowly walked to Meredith and sat beside her, swiping hair away from her small face. Naya rummaged around in her bag until she pulled out a bag with the word purple coneflower written on a kraft label. She opened the bag and pulled out a healthy root.

"Meredith, chew this. It may not taste good, but it will make you feel better." Meredith opened her mouth without opening her eyes, letting Presley know she trusted Naya. Naya stuck the small root in Meredith's mouth. She chewed until Naya patted her cheek to let her know she could spit it out.

"I will walk and make up a tincture of different herbs to help soothe the symptoms and help boost her immune system. She should feel better tomorrow." Naya walked to the kitchen to finish her task.

Lousia turned to Presley. "Thank's so much." She picked up Meredith before cradling her in her lap.

Presley watched as Meredith's tiny chest rose and fell. Suddenly, Drucella was in front of him. She stood on her tiptoes, wrapping her hands around his neck. "I knew you'd come. Thank you."

Presley slowly moved one arm and then the other, wrapping both around her. Her scent of honey and milk enveloped him. "I had my ringer off. From now on, I will be here the second you beckon me."

Drucella pulled back but didn't let go. She cautiously evaluated his face before letting her arms slide off of him. Presley couldn't take her eyes off her while she swiped her hands through her hair. Drucella smiled slyly before she playfully shoved Presley away. She walked back to check on her sisters. Presley watched her go as she went to check up on Meredith.

"Her fever is going down." Her eyes glinted toward Presley.

Presley beamed. "Good. I can go now and pick up Naya later."

As soon as the words left Presley's mouth, Drucella replied sternly, "No." She met his eyes. "Stay."

With that simple word, Presley shoved his boots and vest off. In all the available places he could have sat, he sat beside Drucella.------------------------------------------------------please vote and comment xoxoI have a problem switching from past to present tense, but I am working on it!

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