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Colter and Presley stood on the sidewalk outside of Rogan's. From the outside, it looked like a typical, peaceful home on a usual Friday night. Colter realized some of those movies about teenage parties lied. He could barely hear the music from the outside.

Presley eyed the house wearily. Colter knew Presley never liked his teammates, but he went to parties anyways. He mainly wanted to get out of the saloon and have a bit of teenage normality away from the crime he was used to.

They walked into the house, pushing aside the crowd of people. Colter noticed almost everyone from school was there. Everyone seemed to be having a good time

.In the living room, Rogan had a keg stand set up. A small girl had the plunge in her mouth while someone held her by her feet. "CHUG, CHUG, CHUG." People were shouting around the pair.

"Idiots." Colter heard Presley murmur under his breath.

"This is great." Colter proclaimed. Seeing all the mischief he had missed out on, his eyes lit up. He would always get invited to parties but would never go. It felt wrong to go and to leave his best friend.

Colter and Presley made their way into the kitchen. Rogan's fist punched the air when he saw Colter stroll in. "Look who it is, boys!" Others came around to greet Colter. Rogan shoved a red solo cup in his hand. "Let loose tonight Reynolds." Colter looked at the contents of the solo cup.

He caught Presley's stare. Presley quirked his eyebrow up, waiting to see what Colter would do. With a toothy grin, Colter swigged the contents. He coughed once he finished it all. It tasted like hot bread. "What was that?"

"That, my friend, was my special mix of beer and fire whiskey."

Presley leaned into Colter's shoulder. "Take it easy with that. Whiskey and beer is not a great combo."

Colter looked to Presley. He didn't know if Rogan heard Presley, but Colter reached his empty cup to Rogan. "Refill."

"Yes!" Rogan went to the island that was filled with a lot of alcoholic beverages.

Colter whispered back to Presley over the music from a Bluetooth speaker from the other side of the room. "I will be fine."

Presley sighed. "Okay. I'm going into his library."

Colter's eyes grew wide. "What?"

Presley grabbed a Coke from the counter beside a half-full bottle of rum. "This may shock you, but I don't drink."

"Then what do you do at parties?"

"I find the quietest spot. Here, it is a library with Hatchet calling out my name. I got to the halfway point last time I was here. If you need me, knock three times so I know how to unlock the door. Find me when you are ready to meet Drucella. Or when you've had your fun." Presley air quoted the word fun.

Colter watched as Presley rounded the corner, opening his Coke. Colter shook his head. Why would Presley want Colter to come if he was going to bail on him? Presley probably had a bet with someone on if Colter would have come or not.

Rogan's voice boomed, dragging Colter from his thoughts. "Come be my partner." Rogan waved Colter over to a white foldable table that was lined with red cups in a triangle shape. Colter came to stand beside Rogan. "The point of the game is to throw the ball into one of the opponent's cups. If it hits, they drink it. Whoever has no cups left loses. Watch and learn, my apprentice."

Colter's eyes never left the white ping pong ball. Rogan flicked his wrist. The ball flew in the air, landing into one of the middle cups. Two girls were standing on the other side of the table. Ally, a redhead Colter had known by rumors among the team, took the cup and tipped it to her lips.

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