Part 1|Its only the beginning...

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If you have not read the description please do⚠️

(Errors Pov) It was a dark night and we were sneaking into the school to grab some paint. Oh crap- police sirens! We were so close to leaving when I saw a bag of weapons in a random locker. I grabbed it and ran. “Yo! Follow me!” I threw a spark of light onto the floor and we left through the portal to our house. Before I went, a police officer looked at me confused and I just shook my hand bye before doing a backflip into the portal down. We laughed about the police officer's face when he saw me. “Hey so you know before we left, I found this!” I showed them the weapons I found. “Woah okay Error, how did-”, Diomere stopped talking when we hear Tix’s voice talking to Jay. I closed the door and we put the stuff we stole into the basket of 3 other things. We usually keep things there until we're able to move them into our underground closet.
We listened to Jay and Tix’s conversation, “Jay your venom is taking over your going to become something that overruns your brain, we need to get you something to keep it under control.” Tix, cautious, wrapped Jays' arm with a bandage due to the venomous cut bleeding black. “I'm fine I can handle it! Yall worry too much about me!” Jay painfully argued. “And you call that handling it? You're in too much pain... You need our help whether you like it or not.” Tix warned. “Ugh- I wish I could just run out of here yall keep me in here but why!?” Jay asked. “Fine… you really want to see? Come with us this time!” Tix smiled horrifically. “Okay, I'll go get ready!” We all acted like we were asleep. “Idiots wake up!” Tix Yelled. “Yo shut up!” I laughed. Soon we all lost it and Tix just muttered something and left. We all got ready and Jay was excited.
(Jays Pov) When we got to our hunting ground we were supposed to go closer to our home but I saw water and I love water. Jumping into it I saw some glowing. I thought it was just a plant but I got closer to find an acidic nuclear (☣︎) shaped necklace and it was black with green stripes, there were a few crystals around it glowing the same toxic green. "What…I think I'm ganna take this and-" I say as I dash out because who wouldn't.
When I got back to them 3rror was holding a knife eating the deer he had just killed, so I slowly got behind him. {Thump} I jumped onto 3rrors back and he threw me off. I then hit my arm where the venom scar was… something clicked wrong and I don't remember much. Tho after I woke up I got a vision of what had happened
Error pushed Jay off and Jay started forming into a weird robotic/demonic humanoid, with a tail that struck Errors face. Error then hit Jay with a knife straight into the chest burning him. The knife was made out of a demon glass so it stung demons. Basically melting their skin off. Jay then jumped on Error, peeling his jaw from his throat. Errors mouth was bloody and oily(he is a slight robotic/demonic void character from the most evil parts, assuming he grew up to have only high short temper and anger issues due to his genes). Then Jay was passed out from Tix injecting sleeping fluid into Jays neck for the hundreth time this month.
(Zix pov) "JAYYY JAY JAY JAY, DONUTS JAY???? WHAT THE FAWWWWWW-" "zix… calm down… I'm about to punch your face if you say another word. " Tix threatened me. "Shit… ow.. What the fuck? Why.. " Jay could barley breathe. Tix handed Jay medicine and Jay could slightly breathe better. "What happened… ? " Jay whispered. "Uhh let's go to the park! I heard there is ice cream and bunch of thing?? " I tried to make it better and Tix agreed with me. Jay had the best look on his face he immediately got ready.
(Jays pov) *so I might see him… I might not.. Oh well look at this damn scar so cool* I broke my thoughts when I heard my door open as I put my shoes on. "Oh hey zix! Whats good? " I asked. "Nothing just asking if your ready? " he replied. We walked on and I got my favorite ice cream. I saw someone out of the corner of my eye… my crush omg omg omg.. I couldn't help but stare at him. He caught my eye and I looked up towards Tix who had just picked me up. I was done with my ice cream he made sure I was before doing so. But what happened next was so uncalled for
*5 minutes ago* "so wait until he's done with the ice cream!!!" Zix whisperee into Tixs ear. "Then pick him up and toss him to the water. " *now* "what are-" I didn't have time to finish.. Tix had already thrown me into the pool that was next to a splash pad. I struggled to get out because someone had grabbed my hand. I look over to see my crush trying to pull me out which I land on him. "Well shit. Tix what the fuck I could have dieeeeee-" Tix picks me up and my crush then looks at me confused.
I start to fall over again. This time… it was pain. I sat on the ground for a few minutes and ran towards to park entrance. Tix just talked with the others until they heard me scream. "STAAAWWWWPPP FOLLOWING ME CRACK HEAD DAVID. AAAAAHHHH YOUR LIKE FUCKING DUCK. " I ran out of there almost running into Tix before climbing onto Zix. "Why you runnin" david said. "I eat baby hands *gives a creepy smile while eyes glow red* and your next. " Zix just grabs me and holds me back glaring at the kid in front of him who soon got terrified. "Zix calm down my gosh." I saw error giving me a rude look. "Error… fuck off… " I felt like punching him again it's like our demons never get along. Tix sees my anger and pulls me back into the park near the trees.
"Jay… hows your arm. " I look down and started getting over stimulated. "No no… no… STOP!! " I say trying not to hurt myself or Tix due to venom control being dropped to 0. "Jay calm down here drink. " he hands me blood in a cup and I drink it down faster than milks dad. I calmed down surprisingly not knowing Tix had gotten the blood from a venom control hospital. "I feel tired… " I fell back into something or someone.

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