Part 2|A Strange Encounter

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  (Jays pov) I woke up in a strange place, I was inside of a kind of hospital but I was latched onto a sort of bed. I tried pushing the button next to the bed and couldn't reach it. I saw a hammer to my left, pulling it by my fingers towards me. Grabbed it with my free arm and threw it landing right on the button. I was set free but noticed wires connected to my body. "What… is this?" I pulled them off of me and my body had spots of black where those wires were. I ran towards the door tripping over a few knocked over chairs. The door… I unlocked it and looked into the hallway. I saw someone start running after me they had a gas mask on and pointed a gun at me. Everything went black after I ran the opposite direction.

   Gasping out for air and tears coming through my eyes, someone spoke. "Hey hey it's okay! Are you alright?"  I looked around still at the park but in the van. I looked up to see my crush sitting there, I looked at him confused. "Uhm- hi- I need a moment sorry.. I-" I bursted into tears choking out words trying to explain what happened in my dream.. Tix gave the ground a good kick before giving me a worried look. I just layed my head on Ray's shoulder. (let's just call my crush Ray because ye-).

   Tix gave me a blood pack again in a smoothie cup so it didn't look odd. Ray asked if he could have some and I told him it had milk, he's lactose intolerant. Once I got a view of the outside I realized it was 4:35 pm, we left at 2 which means I had this dream at like 3:50. "I'm so tired… I could-[yawn] sleep in this car right now. " I mumbled. Ray asked Tix something and I was staring into space. "No."-Tix "aw why not? He's cute. "-Ray "He is currently wounded I cannot."-Tix. They talked until I heard a familiar voice and jumped.

   Ray pulled me closer, I realized it was Zero. Zero is like 3rror but has the personality that's like, he's nice but he also is very protective, so if someone hurts someone he's protective over he gets like 3rror does when pissed. I saw Zero go to give me a hug before seeing Ray. "Zero!!! " He is like a dad to me or an older brother. Not just a best friend. "Yes Jay? " he kept glaring at Ray and I noticed after he said my name. "Oh he's Ray, don't worry he didn't do anything!" I warned.

   (Tix pov) Jay's obsessed with that person Ray. Assuming he won't date him tho… No I can't allow for Jay to be hurt worse if anything happens we have to go soon hopefully Zero won't hurt anyone. "Zero hugs? " Jay asked. "Sure kiddo" Zero gave Jay a hug. I saw something out of the corner of my eye. I looked over abruptly.
"Tix is everything alright? You seem paranoid..? " Jay asked, concerned and.. Grabbing onto Ray. 3rror was giving Ray a death glare we all were. Ray soon asked Jay if he could leave and Jay looked sad and I made the decision to have Ray leave. Jay looked mad but almost hesitated before giving Ray a hug. Jay has never had more relaxed muscles ever. Jay felt safe around him which confused me. Jay has been around him a little bit, us a whole lot.
"Uh Tix? Hello? Earth to Tix! " Jay looked at me snapping his finger trying to get me out of my thoughts.
     I was working on a project. One to give to Jay, to give him some control, I had my test subject in the room, Jay was just eating a popsicle enjoying being tested once more. Only because of the popsicle tho. He would refuse otherwise.

   *jay eats popsicle intensely* "gulp gulp I guess" jay laughed at himself and I gave him an unamused look before rolling my eyes. "So this might hurt but we have to text every chance" he seemed uneasy with the room. He kept looking back at the window. "Is everything okay Jay? You seem uneasy.. " Jay looked at the area one more time and nodded.

    I put an alcohol swab on his right arm before taking the needle, injecting control fluid into his bloodstream. He seemed to have fainted.

*****2 am****
      (Jays pov) I don't like this room. It seems like the one in my dreams. "Alright, finished how d…" I don't remember the rest of what Tix said as I fainted. I woke up in my bed. I called out for Zix because I was scared. "ZIX! Please… come here… " I heard nothing. The atmosphere was very unsettling with its vibe. That was until I smelled cookies. My favorite chocolate chip.

   I moved downstairs and the smell turned from cookies to a metalic and almost… rotting smell. I looked outside the door into the kitchen to see dinner was ready. I panic before running out. Not looking back at the horrible thing I saw. I ran out of the house. I don't know if I hallucinated or not but I ran all the way through 8 miles to the town. (Calling the town Ephire)

   I ran to our park we usually go to. Sat at the basketball court and took some deep breaths in. I saw someone in front of me. They looked like a distorted version of me. I got scared at the tail that swung my way before stopping right in front of my face. I just paralyzed making sure not to move a muscle.

    "You can move… I'm not going to hurt you-" it said. "Who- who are you? " I asked carefully. "Me? Your first void venom demon. That shot your buddy gave you helped calm my pain. I'm just wondering why your so out of control when the Javern caught ahold of your arm. Let me see-" it took my arm. Examining it in the light above us in this fenced off court. Looking at my scar I could see green sparks forming as its fingers brushed against the scar. "How does that not- hurt.. Where did you go!? " I looked around. Nobody. Walking over towards Ray's house I made sure to avoid cameras.

    I walked over to the garage that they had and saw someone outside the window. "Oh.. " Ray was moving around putting stuff away. [Knock knock] he looked up. I followed the two doors he was at. "What's up? You look upset." He asked gently gesturing to come in. "I got lost so I thought I would just come here-" I lied. But I wasn't wrong about coming here. "Alright follow me." We walked into his room.

    He flopped onto his bed and told me to sit or lie down wherever. I took a seat next to him. "Uh, can I sleep here? Or no-? " he nodded. I laid down next to him. Half asleep I hugged him and eventually fell asleep.

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