Part 7|Lore and New Friends

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   (Jay Pov) "Wake up love, Hello? " Ray was shaking me slightly. My head was pounding, "Ow, why does my head hurt so much? " I asked while holding the top of my head to find ears, floofy ears. "Uh- what the-" Walking into the bathroom I see ears on my head. They were black with green fluff inside. "What kind of ears are these?! " I was so confused. They were a wolfish type but just a bit different.

    "Well that's new. " Rays little brother said. "Uh, yeah well they hurt for some reason-" I made them disappear and my head was relieved. "That's better… What the fu-" I looked outside of the door and I saw Rays siblings pushing each other off of the counter.

   "Babe- they be tryna kill each other. " I laughed. "They do that. " He kissed me and walked into his room with food. "I think I'm gonna take a walk. " I said. "Alright. Be safe. I love you. " "I love you too. " I responded before walking out. I ran back to where I did before but only because I wanted to find a store that had clothing. "What are you looking for? You seem lost?! " some random guy asked. "Uh, nothing really, just taking a walk looking at things. " I responded.

    "Well you wouldn't mind seeing something cool right? " They had a gun in their hand. "Uhm, you're not going to shoot m-" They shot the gun and a sucker popped out. It had green and purple in it with some orange, Halloween I guess. "Here take one! " Smiling, they exclaimed. "Aww thank you!! Glad fully! " I took it and tried it.

   It tasted good. My nerves had calmed down and it seemed like all that magic pressure had gone down. What was in it? "What's your name? " "Meka!" Meka responded. She had pink hair and her eyes were a sort of pink color too, contacts? Her hair was very fluffy and her clothing was also pink, like a goth/pastel. "Nice to meet you Meka! My name is Jay! " I greeted them happily.

   (Meka Pov) Alright, we got Jay the medicine that's made properly and now he should be good. I know he comes around here every 2 days, if not I'll come to him to give him one. This is a success.

   (Jay Pov) ***4 pm*** "After dinner I kind of want to break into that one place y'all break into all the time. " I said while making myself a subway. "Alright but I think I know a way to get in! " Zix winks at Tix. "Yeahhh ik that too, Jay you'll help us. " Since the place they lived at was close to the shop I decided to say hello, and stay for dinner. "Alright let me just text Ray that I'm not going to be coming tonight. So he doesn't get worried. "

    ***5 pm*** we were getting close to the entrance and they decided that me and Tix would do get help… why. (This scene came from a incorrect something generator online  idrk which one.)
*While planning to break in somewhere* (no ones pov)
Tix: Hey, let's do "Get Help!"
Jay: What?
Tix: "Get Help."
Jay: No.
Tix: C'mon, you love it!
Jay: I hate it.
Tix: It's great! It works every time!
Jay: It's humiliating.
Tix: Do you have a better plan?
Jay: No.
Tix: We're doing it!
Jay: We are not doing "Get Help!"
*A Minute Later*
Tix, carrying Jay: Get help! Please! They're dying! Help Them! *throws Jay at guards, knocking them out*
Tix: Ahh, classic!
Jay: *gets up* I still hate it. It's humiliating.
Tix, laughing: Not for me, it's not.

   (Jay Pov)  "Zix we should do this again and throw Jay into the lake next- actually I'll do that now! " Tix said laughing at me trying to grab me up. "No! " I flung my tail into his hand and it burned right through it. His hand was bleeding and he gave me a wtf look. "My bad totally-" I sarcastically spoke. "You're lucky I can heal myself. " He stated while glaring at me. "I think we should go into the museum now! " Zix harshly shoved us.

   (Meka Pov) Okay well Jay has a very odd addiction to stabbing Tix with his tail. Never forgetting it. It's too funny. "Yo, what you doing? "!?! Asked. " oh hey Cypun! (Sigh-Pin) I'm just watching Jay! " I cheerfully answered. Jay is a far more dangerous creature than expected. Mainly because a human surviving a Javern attack is 99% impossible. Only 1% of "human" kind can survive them. Only if they are partly born within range of one. Which means the one that was near him during birth, could be the reason for that scar of his.

   Sad thing about Jay is that ever since birth he had been tested on for ages. Tix is 116 far older, Zix is also 116, but they both hide their true age very well because they are meant to survive almost a billion years if not longer, so truthfully they are not even close to old. Zix and Tix are always assumed to be brothers, but the truth is they aren't, their mates, they just have a very sibling like personality towards each other when mad at one another.

    Tix is Jays demon, one of them, Jay doesn't know nor Tix that they are connected. This may be why when Tix does experiments Jay himself, his own demon, gets fussy, because technically those experiments will have bigger, possibly harmful, affects if Tix ever needed to merge with Jay. Which that creates an even deadlier form of them. Zix is a demon of someone I can't yet tell who. I only know this knowledge because I'm a dragon. I hoard lore and knowledge of mystical creatures including my own. But my hoard mainly is about Jay and his demon/void/robotic-shadow friends.

    When Jay was born, he had ultimate abilities, infinite stamina, and also transforming into anything he came acrossed like a skin walker, but much powerful than anything. The way his abilities work is maybe complex to explain. Here's just something I made to kind of clear up.  |Blood type - All types||Stamina/level of (in ex: health, infinite; strength, infinite)||Creature Abilities - Unknown, greater than 100|

   Any creature he comes acrossed;hears about(with abilities of it);eats/drinks/consumes somehow;or visions, will be a new blood type added and brought into his existence of his most dangerous form. His blood type that makes this happen is yet to be determined, but we think it might be more about who gave birth, and if their abilities might've clashed together during um.. Yk.. The birthing process and all that. That is all I will say for now.

   |Heyyy it's me Jaysonix, the author, if you have any questions about my character in this book feel free to ask about it, or the lore, or if you want me to give a backstory of any characters to learn more about them I would be happy to make them! |


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