Part 8|Fresh New Start|𝘰𝘳 𝘴𝘰 𝘪 𝘵𝘩𝘰𝘶𝘨𝘩𝘵...

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I AM SORRY FOR THE LONG WAIT BUT , ANYWAYS HERE IS PART 8! I have had things going on and I've been busy With cleaning, but here it finally is. Also a disclaimer! ⚠️all events that take place are made up, this goes for characters and relationships too⚠️ remember this is a story based off my character lore and just their au in general⚠️ -Jaysonix

Now to the story!

****5 am****

    (Jays Pov) "So we had looked through the building and got what we wanted and headed out. But one issue we didn't realize, was that there was someone by the doors with a weapon. They stabbed Jay straight in the middle of his lower chest where his stomach was exposed and now he is bleeding. Do you have bandages? We could use them…" Tix explained. "Yeah, hold on. Here. " Zero gave Zix the bandages and I was at the table sitting in a chair feeling sick.
   "I want to throw up.. This isn't the pain, just the fact if I was fully human I would've already died by now! " I said crying even though I was completely fine. "Jay it's okay, you're alright now, get some rest after this. " Tix told me, hugging me lightly. Sykro came in and saw the wound, his eyes were concerned because of the amount of blood that had come out, that was on my shirt. (Sykro has purple blue hair, eyes are dark purple, one eye has a big birthmark around it that's a purple red color, and his skin is a light grey- brown color I guess idk how to explain the skin color it's greyish.) "Damn, how are you alive that could have killed you. " he said not realizing that's why I was crying. "Dude shut up! " Tix growled.

   "Sorry.. " he walked back into his room as Tix shooed him away. "I think I want to just sit here and do nothing. I don't care! " I was in shock. "Jay I understand you're tired but we need to make sure you don't die. " Tix was in her girl form (Tix is originally a girl but can switch genders so can Zix but he prefers staying male which is his original form). Tix brought me to the bathroom and set me down on a chair. She grabbed a wash cloth with some rubbing alcohol and started cleaning off the blood along with the wound.

   It didn't burn as much as I thought but I guess in comparison to the burning of my scar a week ago this wasn't too bad. To think it was only a week ago that I was completely murderous and now all of a sudden fine, it makes me wonder what happened to make me okay again?  "Alright I just need the bandages and you'll be set to rest. " Tix wrapped them around my stomach and I was getting hungry.

    "I'm hungry.. '' I was so exhausted it was hard to even say that loud enough. Tix understood what I meant and we went into the kitchen. She was holding me like a child because of my completely exhausted state. I saw what I wanted, which was a banana, I grabbed it and I was set on a chair so I could eat. Once I was done I had a little more energy but I threw the peel away, rinsed my hands off and dried them but fell into the counter trying to walk over to Tix. I sat on the ground falling asleep.

   (Tix Pov) What's wrong with Jay he seems.. Way to exhausted. Maybe there's something I missed? "Hey Zix can you find anything in his coding to see if I missed something, maybe demonglass we- he just fell asleep. " I grabbed Jay up. *Jay was running to Piomin city to get crystals but was stopped by a girl named Meka who'd given him a sucker. The side effects were exhaustion if hurt over 2 hours or so, because of the medicine trying to protect the demon from a malfunction which leads to urges of violence.*

   "This is part of a medication a girl named Meka gave Jay, which does what I've been trying to achieve. Maybe I should start learning more than trying to jump into it. But I'm taking Jay to his room so he can rest properly. " "Alright." I took Jay into his room and Sykro asked what happened and I explained. "I didn't know Jay killed a few people. But it's not like he could control it though. " he said. "Yeah, the best we can do for now is let him rest. He's had a hell of a week."


     (Jays pov) Waking up was easy, with slight headache. But I still managed. "Tix I'm going to eat you! " Zix said laughing in the other room. What the fuck were they doin? "I'm in creative dumbass! " I could hear Tix argue back. Games I guess. I looked at my plain white room. Many boxes to the right, and few to the left. Since I had moved in I didn't even unpack. I had lived here my entire life, but I just never had it normally. Maybe it's time now that I have a somewhat normal family relationship with Tix and them that I can comfortably make my room more… at home!

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