Authors Note

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Hello, I know it's been over a year since I've updated. I never intended to abandon this story, but shit does happen. It's like out of the blue I got depressed, was in denial about it for six months, but it consumed me. I dropped out of public school, ran away, drank till I was on my deathbed.

I've been admitted twice now, the first while I was in denial, and the second when I wasn't. They gave me meds that made me sick, and because I have no trauma or anything I doubt therapy would help.

Essentially depression has killed who I am, my talent as an author, and any motivation I have to live let alone work. I am working on the next chapter, but I've probably written it over again a hundred times.

I can't promise I will ever finish it, and this may be the last you hear of me, but I can promise that I will try. Thank you for supporting this story, it made me happy.

TL;DR : I'm depressed lol. Might get back to the story, currently working on it.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15, 2023 ⏰

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