It's okay Sunshine

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Quick message: this has got themes of Trans Wylan Van Eck and scenes of blood, so if you don't like that kind of stuff, you're more than welcome to continue with the rest of this story.

Wylan shook his head fast, this couldn't be happening now.

He leaned over the sink of Jesper's small apartment in Ketterdam which was close to the Crow's Club.

The way his stomach was twisting and cramping.

A boy, he thought to himself, a pale shivering boy.

But his lower stomach seemed inclined to disagree with him. Wylan's legs were clamped together as tight as they could be- but even so, he could feel the beginnings of blood slicking the tops of his thighs.

Wylan's eyes looked around the small bathroom, he had already checked the cabinets and in the drawers but no.. there were no feminine products in the drawers. The beginning of cramps began to wash over his stomach and there was no stopping of them now.

The heavy Linen coloured door creaked as there was a knock to it.

"Wylan?" Jesper's concerned voice echoed through Wylan's ears. "Everything okay?"

"I'll be out in a minute!" He yelled back, sinking down to the floor.

Wylan huddled in the small bathroom, his arms wrapped tightly around his legs, his forehead pressed against his knees. The space was so cramped that his toes almost touched the toilet bowl.

He considered taking off his jumper and tying it around his waist to relieve some of the discomfort, but the thought of drawing attention to himself in the Crow Club made him hesitate. Fear gnawed at his stomach as he sat in the silence, waiting for Jesper's return.

Suddenly, Jesper's voice broke through the stillness, and Wylan jumped, his heart racing. He could sense Jesper's proximity, his presence seeping through the thin walls of the bathroom.

Wylan's anxiety surged, and tears threatened to spill over. He hated being this vulnerable, exposed in a way that made him feel weak and inadequate.

"Wylan?" Jesper's voice came again, filled with concern. "Wy, can I come in?"

Wylan froze as he suddenly became very aware of the fact that there was no lock on the bathroom door. His heartbeat began a steady race in his chest and he buried his head in his knees once more, curling himself into the smallest possible shape he could.

"I'm coming in," Jesper announced, and Wylan felt a fresh wave of terror and embarrassment wash over him. He remained motionless as Jesper entered the room and closed the door behind him.

Jesper immediately knelt down beside Wylan, a worried groan escaping his throat as they pressed against each other.

"Feeling sick?" Jesper's voice was gentle as he ran his fingers through Wylan's hair. Wylan looked up, surprised by this concern, and realised too late that his tear-streaked face was exposed.

"Oh, Merchling.." Jesper sighed, cupping Wylan's cheek with his strong hand. Wylan whimpered at the touch, wishing desperately that it was just a stomach ache. A sudden cramp shot through his belly, causing him to grit his teeth. Jesper instinctively drew closer, as if to absorb Wylan's pain.

Unable to meet Jesper's eyes, Wylan turned his face away. Jesper's hand brushed over Wylan's face in search of a fever.

"Maybe the soup we had for lunch didn't agree with you?" Jesper spoke softly. "My stomach was feeling off, too, earlier." Wylan shook his head, but Jesper persisted. "You must have caught a bug then, right?" His hand searched Wylan's forehead for a temperature.

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