His Hyper Moments

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Wylan watched from the shadows as Jesper practically bounced around the room, fidgeting with his guns and grinning like a fool. They were on a job, the Six of Crows, and Wylan knew that Jesper's ADHD was acting up. It gave him this particular energy, this restless need to move and flirt and play around.

Wylan leaned against the wall, a small smile on his lips as he watched his boyfriend in action. Jesper was a firecracker, always moving and always on the edge of something. But today, it was like he was a toddler hyped up on too much sugar, unable to contain all that energy.

As they worked, they bantered back and forth, Jesper shooting Wylan a smirk as he spun his guns around his fingers. It was all playful and harmless, but there was a spark there, too, something that made Wylan's pulse race.

He loved Jesper, loved him with all his heart, and even on days like this, where he was practically vibrating with energy, there was no one else he'd rather be with.

Eventually, the job was done, and they headed back to the club. Jesper was still bouncing around, humming under his breath and tapping his feet like he couldn't sit still.

Wylan chuckled and shook his head as Jesper practically danced in front of him. "You're like a little kid on Christmas morning," he said, wrapping an arm around Jesper's waist.

Jesper laughed, his eyes sparkling. "What can I say, Wylan? I'm just full of surprises."

Wylan leaned in and pressed a kiss to Jesper's cheek, feeling his heart swell with affection. "That you are," he said, and they headed back to the Crows' Club, ready for whatever the future held for them as the Six of Crows.

As Wylan descended the stairs, he could hear the familiar sounds of Jesper's laughter and the distinct clinking of his revolvers. He entered the room to find Jesper in the middle of a trick, twirling his guns around his fingers with a mischievous grin on his face.

Inej glanced up from her spot on the couch, a small smile playing on her lips. She had always been amazed by Jesper's showmanship, his ability to both entertain and intimidate with his weapons. But today, even she couldn't deny that he was being particularly playful.

Wylan leaned against the doorway, a soft chuckle escaping him as he watched Jesper's antics. His boyfriend was a whirlwind of energy and charm, and it never failed to amuse and delight him.

"You really can't sit still, can you?" Wylan commented, a fondness evident in his tone.

Jesper looked up, his brown eyes sparkling with mischief. "Why would I want to when I can entertain my favourite people?" He gave a mock bow, sending his revolvers spinning upward before deftly catching them. "Ta-dah!"

Inej laughed, shaking her head. "You never cease to amaze, Jesper."

Wylan walked further into the room, closing the distance between them. "You certainly know how to keep things interesting," he said, a twinkle in his eyes.

Jesper's grin widened, and he twirled the revolvers one last time before setting them aside. He wrapped an arm around Wylan's waist, pulling him close. "Glad to be your daily dose of entertainment." He pressed a quick kiss to Wylan's cheek. "But seriously, did you see that trick? I've been practising!"

Wylan laughed, the sound filling the room. "Yes, it was quite impressive, my talented sharpshooter."

As they shared a lighthearted moment together, Wylan couldn't help but feel grateful for Jesper's infectious energy and the way it brought joy into their lives. They may have been criminals, part of the ruthless world of the Six of Crows, but moments like this reminded Wylan that they were also a family, standing by each other's side through all the chaos.

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