𝘊𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘵𝘦𝘳 |26|

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He sets me down gently on the bed with his hands still wrapped around my waist. "What are you doing?"

I laughed with my chest vibrating and ran my fingers through his thick, sweaty curls and he sighs in exhaustion and leans into the touch.

"I missed you." He mumbles, staring at me with soft, warm eyes and my heart flutters for the look on his face.

He looked like a small child with big round eyes, staring up at their parents begging for a piece of candy right before eating dinner.

I sighed in awe, wondering if our child would look upon me–us, with those same eyes. With the emotions within me heightened.

I bit back the tears from forming and moved my fingers underneath his jaw, feeling the smoothness of his aftershave and tilted his head up.

I always loved the feeling of his face with or without the stubble, there was something about the roughness and the softness of his skin after a clean shave that had turned me on.

Like right now, I pressed my legs together and felt the flare form across my cheeks from them heating at the thought.

"And whose fault is that?" My voice came out soft, almost whispered.

"We talked about this in the car." He groaned but he came out as a whine.

I laughed at the sound of his voice; it was almost bratty. "I know, but it's amusing to see you and the expressions form across your face."

I whispered with a soft smile forming on my face and leaned down to his level to brush our noses together.

After a good amount of convincing and soft, brief kisses. We left the office and walked across the street with our hands locked together and went to get ice cream.

After ordering our ice creams; vanilla with a chocolate twist for me and strawberry with a hardening syrup drizzled on top for Zade.

We walked together, side by side and sat down on one of the benches with a giant red umbrella above our heads, blocking out the sun and watched the sunset together in complete silence. It was peaceful.

But the most relaxing thing about sitting down and watching the sunset with complete ease, was talking about our feelings–both of ours, and how we felt about certain situations.

It was nice and frustrating at the same time to let out built up mixed emotions. Especially, after keeping them bottled up for weeks. It was like once I started talking, I couldn't stop and it felt great–amazing even, to let it all out.

And after? It felt like a weight lifted off of my shoulders. I had physically felt that weight being removed from my shoulders after the conversation.

And Zade? Well, Zade was the best. He understood and didn't judge me for feeling the way I had felt over the weeks. It was only normal. But, He didn't interrupt me, he didn't stop me.

No, he sat there patiently with his ice cream in his hands, taking a few licks from it every couple of seconds and waited until I had finished.

"Oh really?" He raised an eyebrow in question. "I'm glad you find me amusing." His lips flatten together in a line but from the tone of his voice, he two was amused.

I rolled my eyes. "Shut up." I then looked up at him, taking in the softness and the creases formed in the corner of his eyes before my eyes drew to his pink, plumped lips.

I closed the small distance between us and pressed my lips against his and immediately caught small traces of the sweet, bitterness from the strawberry syrup from the ice cream earlier.

I sighed in between the kiss as our mouths opened and our lips twirled around each other. I loved kissing him. It was sweet yet it was addicting.

It was soft yet gripping and pulling me closer until I became lost in the touch and feeling of them pressed up against mine.

He was the first to break contact and tilted my head up. "I love you."

I smiled, he always held eye contact each time he had said those words to me. And each time I loved them, I think I loved them a bit more each time they felt past his lips.

"I love you too." And it was true. I loved him. I knew somewhere deep down within myself I had always had feelings for him but had pushed them aside and ignored them for how wrong they were.

But I think a part of me always knew a part of me had loved him. Maybe it was the long lingering of my eyes on him when no one was looking that had given it away.

Who knows? But now? I don't feel ashamed for having those feelings and looking back at it all? I don't have any regrets. Well, maybe a few.

"Do you think—" I took a breath, mentally preparing myself for the words I'm about to speak. "Do you think we would be here? Right now. If Lucas hadn't cheated?"

He was caught off guard by the question but didn't show it. "I think." He began after a few moments of silence. "I think we were meant to find each other, no matter how long it took."

Surprised by his response, I asked, "What do you mean?"

With his hand still on my chin, he says, "Whether we both want to admit it or not. We were both broken somewhere within ourselves. No matter how or what. We both were broken. And those two broken hearts connected with each other through grief and somewhere down that road, grief turned into something more and those two broken halves were whole once again."

He stopped but I had felt as if he wasn't finished with his sentence.

"No matter how off limits those two halves were to each other." I whispered, finishing the sentence for him.

                              The end

            𝙉𝙤𝙩𝙚: 𝙗𝙤𝙣𝙪𝙨 𝙘𝙝𝙖𝙥𝙩𝙚𝙧𝙨 𝙘𝙤𝙢𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙨𝙤𝙤𝙣

                              𝙇𝙤𝙫𝙚, 𝙆𝙧𝙞𝙨

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