Author's Note and Disclaimer

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I've got another story for y'all! I think this one has the potential to be one of my best by way of character development, so I hope you all give it a chance! As always, here are a few housekeeping things:


The thoughts and writings in this story are solely my own. If there are similarities in this story to any other works, it is unintentional and purely coincidental. I have worked hard to create these pieces and do not wish for them to be duplicated or reposted without my consent. (Basically, if y'all steal my shit it's up!!)


The very first chapter begins with vivid, disturbing scenes that take place throughout our main character's (Deja), childhood. These include abuse (physical and sexual), pedophilia/molestation, and suicidal thoughts. This is the only time explicit sexual violence will be described in the story, but it is an important theme. Please feel free to skip the first chapter (A) if it's too much to handle. I apologize if it's a difficult read. I want all victims of such to know you are heard, loved, and believed. Please do not hesitate to reach out if you ever have anything you want to talk about. 

Deja dances at a strip club. I have a couple of friends who work in the industry, but I don't know much about it. I tried to do some research to write accurately, but if anything seems incorrect or disrespectful please comment or private message to let me know! I have the utmost respect for strippers and would never want to negatively or falsely portray anybody.

Hyper-sexuality is also a theme in this story, as our main character has a long history of sexual intimacy. This story isn't meant to condemn or romanticize having multiple partners/bodies, and y'all are more than welcome to have your debates and opinions in the comment section. I just wanted to explore sexual abuse's possible contribution to hyper-sexuality and how to heal. If anything comes off disrespectful, please let me know as that is not my intent.


As do all of my stories, this takes place in Virginia. Deja goes to college at Virginia Tech. If you're here from Woke, just know that this story occurs the school year before the sequel, When We Sleep. (I note this, because Deja is a prominent side character in When We Sleep, so I don't want anybody getting confused).

The story goes back and forth between present day and flashbacks from Deja's life. All are written in first person, but present day chapters are labeled with numbers while flashbacks are labeled with letters. Flashback chapters can be skipped if wanted; they just give more insight into Deja's mind and actions. Please feel free to comment if this is confusing!


I believe that is all I have for now, so please enjoy! As always, comment or PM me w questions, comments, or concerns.

Happy reading:)

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