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(Above piece of artwork was my first and so far only drawing I made that utilized shading, I suck at it but I'm proud of how this one turned out. how does it look?)

Dinosona was an original idea for an animated series I planned MANY years ago. Dinosona's title is a fusion of Dinosaur and Persona, which pretty much sums up the concept: a 10-year-old kid named Lucas Rex (a name I'd later recycle for Dinosaur Reserve: the animated series) with a wrist-worn device called the DNA scanner that can transform him into dinosaurs when he inserts an amber containing Dinosaur DNA into the device which he uses to fight crime and save the world and stuff like that, basically Ben 10 but with Dinosaurs instead of Aliens. so what's the story for this besides the basic concept? here's what I remember of what I came up with:

Millions of years ago, there existed a technologically-advanced civilization of reptilian humanoids known as the Saurians that lived with the Dinosaurs together in harmony. however one Saurian scientist named Eon discovered that a great cataclysm was coming from space that would wipe out the terrible lizards and hatched a plan to save the dinosaurs from extinction and thus he forged the 100 ambers each containing a single strand of DNA from a different species of dinosaur within it as a failsafe so that a future scientist could use the ambers to clone dinosaurs back to life. when the great meteor struck and wiped out the dinosaurs, the Saurians were forced to relocate their civilization underground where they remained in hiding for the subsequent millennia and the 100 ambers were lost to time taking Eon's life as well. flash forward 65 million years later where we are introduced to 10-year-old Lucas Rex, a dinosaur-loving kid and son of renowned paleontologist Tyler Rex who mysteriously disappeared during his latest dig searching for evidence of a long-lost ancient civilization that co-existed with the dinosaurs, Lucas wearing one of the ambers his father found as a pendant. Lucas being a super-precocious and adventurous child goes off on his own to the dig site where his father disappeared and meets one of his father's colleagues, Professor Paleo who takes the young kid under his wing feeling sympathy for the kid promising to help find his father. however they are attacked by a bunch of T. Rex-shaped mechs piloted by Saurian soldiers accompanied by ground troops led by our series big bad Dinus the tyrannical current leader of the Saurian empire seeking to wipe out humanity so that the Saurians can retake the surface world that they believe is rightfully theirs and they're gunning for Professor Paleo's head. as it turns out Professor Paleo is a Saurian who was in disguise as a human, named Paleon the direct descendant of Eon the scientist who forged the ambers 65 million years ago and the Saurians have put a target on his head for being a human sympathizer and a traitor to the Saurian species. Paleon attaches a device he made to Lucas's wrist called the DNA scanner, and the Amber pendant on Lucas's necklace starts reacting to the DNA scanner and Paleon instructs Lucas to place the amber into the hole in the device and he does causing Lucas to transform into a Triceratops (the trike is my favorite dinosaur which is why I had it be his first transformation in the series) using his horns to destroy the mecha-rexes forcing Dinus's forces to retreat. the rest of the series would follow the duo of Lucas and Professor Paleo/Paleon travelling the globe traveling the globe together to search for the remaining ambers unlocking new transformations for Lucas along the way. the core 10 dino transformations I picked for Lucas are: Tyrannosaurus, TriceratopsStegosaurus, Velociraptor, Parasaurolophus, Ankylosaurus, Pachycephalosaurus, Pteranodon, Plesiosaurus, and Brachiosaurus. more would obviously be unlocked since there are 100 ambers, but the rest would be either one-off transformations or used sparingly while the aforementioned 10 dinos would be his primary recurring forms. we also planned to introduce a rival character later on in the series named Ryan, a punk kid with a DNA scanner of his own who was a childhood bully of Lucas's who's been using his newfound dino powers to cause untold amounts of felonies. Ryan would have 10 recurring dino transformations of his own to match each of Lucas's, those being: Giganotosaurus, Styracosaurus, Kentrosaurus, Utahraptor, Iguanodon, Polacanthus, Stygimoloch, Quetzalcoatlus, Mosasaurus, and Diplodocus. Although Lucas and Ryan would start off as enemies clashing several times over the course of the series they would eventually learn to put their differences aside and become friends. so that makes 20 out of 100 ambers, I didn't have a definitive species list for the rest of them except one: I wanted to save Spinosaurus for the 100th and final amber, as well as being the most dangerous and unstable dino form of them all. Lucas uses this in the series finale out of desperation to take down Dinus once and for all, and doing so causes him to go berserk and lose control giving into his primal dino instincts which is why Paleon advised Lucas to not use the spino. I also wanted to give Lucas his own rogues gallery with several recurring supervillains for him to fight outside of Ryan and the Saurians, but I couldn't come up with any good ideas for extra baddies. 

Why did I cancel it?

Well while the Idea of Dinosona was pretty well-developed in my head, I couldn't come up with any good ideas for episodes or season arcs that utilized the concept to its full potential to make this a worthwhile series. but hey, now that I published this my idea's now out in the ether for everyone to see so hopefully you all think it was a cool idea that I sadly had no idea what to do with.

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