Veronica POS
VERONICA LINDSEY MAVIS!! Yes mom why'd you yell my full name. Your on speaker phone so Sam is here as well. You need to come home and so does Sam we miss the both of you so much. We want to see you not through a screen anymore honey. I look at Sam then at my phone again and say why what's going on. Well your momma misses you and her nephew. Mom you said we who else supposedly misses us. Oh your dad honey obviously since you got your GED and left with Samuel and your friend Colby we miss you. Sammy wanna handle this as I put my mother on mute. He says sure I hand him my phone as I unmute my mother. He says and we miss you too aunt Jesse but you know that Colby and I can take care of Veronica. Yes I do know that Samuel but it hurts that you two only visit on holidays like Christmas and thanksgiving. You know I've missed so many birthdays since Veronica went with you to California. Yes I do know that but Veronica and I film videos on her birthdays and my birthdays so you and mom don't miss anything. Like Veronica's twenty first birthday we filmed that entire day from me making her breakfast to her throwing up after two shots. And that was special Samuel but still I would have liked to be there in person. But Veronica always says no to me coming to visit or her coming home on those things.
(After the long ass phone call with Aunt Jesse)
S̶a̶m̶ P̶O̶S̶
So obviously your mom wants us to go back home because she misses you. No shit Sammy this is a issue every year with her. Well why don't you just go for a few days to make her feel better. Sammy you do realize that she said for both of us to come back home right. But obviously we can't do that because one of us has to be here for Colby to help him obviously. Yea so let's just take Colby with us I bet they will be happy to see Colby as well. Well you can ask him if he wants to join and if he does then I'll ask my mom. Okay COLBY COLBY!!! Yea Sam what ya need. So my aunt Jesse called and misses me and I already asked Ronnie if she wants to come. Would you like to come with me and Ronnie back to visit my aunt and uncle. Um sure I'll join you and Ronnie but I don't think you're uncle likes me. He does he's just difficult to understand sometimes. Alright brother then when are we leaving to go back to Kansas. My aunt didn't say a date so maybe we just look up three flights to Kansas and go from there. Okay sounds good I'm going to go hike for a little bit see ya soon brother. Okay Ronnie and I will look up plane tickets.
3 hours later
Colby POS
RONNIE SAM WHAT DO YOU GUYS WANT FROM JACK IN THE BOX. Why are you going there brother it's not that good. Well I'm hungry and was seeing if- GET ME SOURDOUGH JACK CHICKEN CLUB SANDWICH PLEASE COLBY. Okay what if they don't have that what else do you want Ronnie. Then a jr. Jack burger if they don't have the sandwich. Okay want anything to drink like coke or something. Yea get me a fanta please thank you colbs text me when you have the food. I will Ronnie anything you want Sam while I'm still here. Um just get me the jr. Jack burger with sprite thanks brother. Alright so I will come back with one or two jr. Jack burgers see you soon. I get in my car to have Sam's aunt Jesse call me. Weird but I answer and put it on speaker while I pull out.
Aunt Jesse: Hey Colby so how are you after your Chemo
Colby: I'm good so you miss Sam and want him to come back home for a little bit
Aunt Jesse: Yes him and Veronica his uncle and I miss them so much I called them a little bit ago
Colby: I heard from Sam that you did yea so what day were you thinking that you want them to come back
Aunt Jesse: um I'm not sure I do hope that they come soon though I miss my daughter and nephew very much
Colby: wait what I thought Sam was the only blood relative and Veronica is just a long time family friend
Aunt Jesse: oh no Veronica and Sam must've not told you I'll let them tell you when they feel like it bye Colby.
(End of call)
Hey Siri call Sam Golbach ok calling Sam Golbach.
Sam: yello brother you get the food that quick already
Colby: no I didn't but your aunt called me you know the one that called you earlier
Sam: oh why'd she call you was it to see how you were after the whole cancer thing
Colby: it was at first then it was about you and Ronnie going back home then she said something that confused me
Sam: oh what did say
Colby: she said that she misses her daughter and nephew
No response from Sam
Colby: Sam Sam Sam you there hello Sam Golbach you there
Veronica POS
Sammy when is Colby going to come back with our- COLBY MIGHT KNOW ABOUT THE SECRET. WHAT? How what did you tell him Sam. I didn't tell him anything its your mother that said something. Ugh of course she did I knew answering that phone call would end horribly some how. Well we didn't know that she was going to call Colby though. Yea but still this is why I don't really answer my mother's calls Sam because of shit like this. Okay so when Colby gets home we have to have our story straight here okay. So what I'll say is that my mother is just speaking nonsense when she said daughter and nephew. What are you going to say Sam hmm okay I'll say that my aunt thinks of you as a daughter. Because you're such a close friend. Yea that might work but after we visit my mother she and I are going to have a long talk. I would hope so because didn't you and I have a family meeting about how when we feel like telling Colby and the rest of our friends before we left home the first time. Yea I specifically told my mom and dad that when we all reach at least 28 I would tell them. Yea I remember that was our last conversation before Colby picked us up from my house. Colby just texted me that he's almost home okay so we stick with our stories. Yours being my mother was speaking nonsense and mine being that I'm just a really close friend to your family. But what if he doesn't believe that you know Colby as well as I do. Yea hmm okay well we will just think of something on the spot then won't we.
When Colby gets home with the food
S̶a̶m̶ P̶O̶S̶
So what was it that my aunt said to you while you were on the phone. She said that she misses her daughter and nephew. Then when I said wait that can't be right she proceeded to say that you two must've not told me yet. What in the hell did she mean by that. Oh well you know my aunt she's older than my mom she probably was talking nonsense it's not the first time that she has. Yea and she never had any children so she probably thought of me as her daughter because of how close I am with Sam. So that's what she ment by daughter you're both sure of that. Yes we are we would never not tell you the truth brother. Okay then here's your club sandwich Ronnie and your burger Sam. Thanks Colbs for my sandwich how much do I owe you for it. It was 28 bucks but it's not that big of a deal. You sure Colby because I can give you the 28 dollars. Yea I'm sure and your burger Sam was 34 bucks so pay up. How the hell was my burger that much it's smaller then the actual jack burger. It's called inflation Sam so it makes the prices go up with basically everything. Yea yea here's fourty bucks thanks for the burger. Come on Ronnie let's go upstairs while edit the Holbrooke video and you sketch. Okay I'll also look up plane tickets for the three of us if you want to join us Colby. Yea I'll join you guys just tell me when the flight is when you find a reasonable price. We will or more like Ronnie will while I'm editing.
Colby POS
So you're just going to go on with your life when your aunt could have schizophrenia. Colby my aunt Jesse doesn't have schizophrenia my mother would know. You sure though you never know. Colby she doesn't now and probably never will. Okay then I'm going to watch some tv if either of you need me. Okay come up in a few hours to do your turn of editing. I will I'll set a timer for when it's my turn to edit while you take a break. Your welcome for your food though I am pretty sure that Ronnie already ate hers. Yea I think she did as well she ran up the stairs and into the office. As soon as I said that she didn't need to pay she bolted up to the office. Well that's Ronnie when she's hungry she will do anything for food. That is true okay go edit the video for a little bit. Before Ronnie touches something that she didn't mean to because she wants to help you.
Friendship or possible broken hearts
FanficI'm Veronica Mavis and my friends are Sam and Colby. I am not like the rest of their friends I help design their merch lines though. I'm more of a artistic person then a YouTuber. I don't mind it and neither does the guys. I was in a few of Sam and...