Chapter 2

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As the ceremony started, Beckett could feel that everyone's eyes were on him. He was positioned in the VIP seat because aside from receiving an award for his performance in an action movie, he and his team were also invited as special guests by the organizers of the awarding show.

Unfortunately, Jeru couldn't attend due to some prior commitments. So Beckett ended up being alone in his seat, while the one next to him remained vacant.

The ceremony continued, and Beckett was struggling to maintain his focus. He checked his phone from time to time, not just to see what other artists were doing on stage, but also to check if he had any messages from his staff.

Being a model and a part-time actor wasn't his only job. It wasn't even his main job since the income from that wouldn't be enough to sustain his luxuries and desires. When comparing his earnings from modeling and his company, his showbiz industry income would seem like spare change.

Nevertheless, Beckett didn't let go of this industry. He might feel suffocated at times, unable to show his true emotions because of the constant scrutiny, but he didn't care.

The main reason he entered this field was the connections he could establish as a model. That was the driving force behind his decision.

"Shit!" Beckett snapped out of his thoughts when someone suddenly sat on his lap.

It was a woman wearing a white polo shirt and black pants. Her long black hair was tied up, still the ends reaching her waist, and her hair brushed against Beckett as she moved.

"Sorry!" she shouted while still facing away from him, not even getting up from her seat on Beckett's lap.

Given their current position, Beckett could see how smooth and delicate the woman's neck was, how sweet her scent was, and how curvaceous her behind was.

'Goodness gracious,' Beckett thought to himself, trying to contain all the emotions rushing through his body.

"Enjoying sitting in my lap?" Beckett teasingly asked her, causing the woman to quickly stand up as if she had been burned.

Her mouth fell open when she saw that the woman was even more beautiful up close.

His suspicions earlier about her were correct. She had fair and smooth skin. Her nose was sharp, and her cheeks and lips had a rosy hue. At that moment, it wasn't just the woman who seemed dumbfounded standing in front of him.

His masculinity was also prominent. He crossed his legs on the other, especially since the attention of most reporters was on him. He didn't want rumors circulating that he was interested in a mere event organizer.

"I-I'm sorry, sir Beckett—Ah!"

The woman screamed when Beckett pulled her closer. This time, she sat on him with her body facing him. Vivianne gasped as she felt something against her thigh, but she couldn't speak to ask what it was.

Vivianne Allamino, one of the organizers of the awarding show, was too stunned to speak.

"Careful, lady," Beckett warned in a serious tone before shifting his gaze to the people walking in front of them.

Vivianne also looked in that direction and gasped when she saw that everyone's attention was on her and Beckett. She quickly moved away from him, her face turning as red as a tomato.

Little did she know, Beckett found her cute. He pursed his lips, trying to suppress his smile, but his gaze never left Vivianne. His attention was only diverted when he noticed the reporters approaching closer.

"Go," Beckett commanded before pointing at the reporters with his gaze.

"P-Pardon?" Unfortunately, Vivianne didn't understand what he meant. She furrowed her brow, trying to decipher Beckett's intentions.

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