Chapter 3

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Vivianne was almost going crazy with the pain she was feeling as she gulped down the beer on the bottle she was holding. She was no longer in the right state of mind to even grab a glass, and she didn't care about the effects of alcohol on her body.

She was getting dizzy and slightly nauseous. Despite being in an upscale bar, her behavior was becoming more unruly. She continued to curse because the pain in her heart was intensifying.

"Fuck all of you!" Vivianne exclaimed, and shortly after, she slammed her head on the counter, not caring if she had everyone's attention.

She wanted to forget the pain... Everything. But she couldn't.

As time passed, her anger continued to boil, especially when she looked at her phone and saw her wallpaper and that of her boyfriend.

Wrong. Her ex-boyfriend, to be precise. After catching him earlier having sex with another woman in his condo unit, he had the audacity to break up with her.

"Fuck you, Tristan. I told you I'll exact my revenge! Just wait!"

Vivianne found herself smiling foolishly at the beer in her hand as if it were Tristan. She quickly placed it on the table before her intrusive thoughts win—Throw the bottle away. She was about to leave when she was suddenly blocked by one of the bartenders, raising her eyebrow in surprise.

"Miss... Your payment?" the man asked politely but also with a hint of confusion, looking at Vivianne.

It seemed like Vivianne had wandered into this place. She was still wearing the white blouse and black pants she had on while working earlier at the Grand Arena.

The woman had a beautiful appearance and skin, but compared to the other patrons in the bar who were elegantly dressed, she seemed out of place.

It dawned on Vivianne how foolish she must have looked, and her brow furrowed.

"Ah, sorry. Just wait," she stammered, rummaging through her wallet in her bag. "Shit, hold on. Where is it?"

Her vision was spinning, making it difficult for her to move. She was in her most vulnerable state, and if her father were to find out about this, he wouldn't approve of her getting drunk... especially with a man as the cause.

Her father didn't believe in love, which Vivianne found ironic and disappointing at the same time. Her father sought heirs and babymakers, not children and a wife.

"Fuck, Vivianne. Focus, okay?" the woman muttered to herself, realizing how her thoughts wandered in different directions again. "I shouldn't have drunk that much. Shit."

But she quickly shook her head. This wasn't the right time to blame herself. The bartender was now looking at her as if she had committed a major crime, irritating her further.

"I'll pay, okay?" Vivianne said irritably before huffing. "So, can you stop looking at me like that—"

Vivianne didn't finish her outburst when her vision suddenly blurred. She stumbled and almost fell to the ground.


But it didn't happen as someone grabbed both of her arms. Her face collided with the chest of a man, causing her to grimace in pain.

When Vivianne lifted her head, the man wearing a face mask and a hat was unfamiliar at first, but when she looked into his eyes, she gasped.

"S-Sir Beck—"

"Here," the man interrupted before handing his black card to the bartender. "I'll pay for her drinks, too," he added, pointing at Vivianne.

"O-Okay, Sir," the bartender replied, taking the card and quickly processing their payment.

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