Chapter 4

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"You're the same woman as before..." Beckett said in a cold tone before glancing at the girl. "I told you to go home, didn't I?" he added, but Vivianne didn't immediately respond.


Beckett was almost taken aback by the appearance of the woman in front of him. Her eyes were bloodshot, and she couldn't walk properly.


But that wasn't what he noticed. Her gaze shifted to the small wounds on the girl's arms. Vivianne had fair skin, so even a slight grip would surely leave prominent red marks.


And Beckett was certain on his hunch, too. He knew that someone had tightly gripped Vivianne's arm, given the terror he could see in her eyes.


'Fuck that guard. I told him to ensure the woman's safety,' Beckett thought as he clenched his fists, annoyed.


But his annoyance was quickly replaced by surprise when Vivianne suddenly answered him. "Well, I don't want to go home yet! I just wanted to have a drink, is that not allowed?" she said, rolling her eyes.


Beckett was astounded by Vivianne's sudden change of attitude. No one had ever treated him this way, and he had mixed emotions about it. He was irritated and yet amused.


He was irritated because Vivianne didn't follow his instructions, and yet he was amused because she treated him like an ordinary person. For the first time, someone didn't treat him as someone to be worshiped.


It was just a while ago that she asked for his help, and now she was angry. Beckett furrowed his brows in confusion.


"Why does it seem like you're madder than I am—"


Beckett didn't finish his sentence as Vivianne suddenly pushed him against his car. She placed both hands on Beckett's head, her gaze sharp.


"I don't have time for this, just so you know," Vivianne said, biting her lip, appearing annoyed and nervous. "Help me. I beg you."


In an instant, Vivianne's expression changed. Her stubborn attitude earlier suddenly turned into a pitiful one. Vivianne's eyes sparkled with awe, causing Beckett to hold his breath for a moment.


"And why would I help you?"


Beckett raised an eyebrow, his gaze moving from Vivianne's slightly reddened lips to her smooth neck. His gaze lingered there, making him swallow.


Fortunately, he was wearing a face mask, so Vivianne couldn't see the slight movement of his lips.


Vivianne didn't answer. Instead, she bit her lip briefly and avoided his gaze. After a moment, she finally responded.


"Because I need help," Vivianne answered, her voice trembling.


"Is that even a valid reason?" Beckett chuckled, his eyes filled with a mix of desire and admiration for the first time. "Just because you need help doesn't mean I should help you."

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