Chapter 6

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Vivianne didn't answer. She was afraid that Manager Yu might notice that they knew each other if she responded. She tried to calm herself down before smiling.

"You called for me, manager?" Vivianne changed the topic.

Henry had many questions in his mind, but he dismissed them for now. They were still within working hours, and the famous model Beckett Clainfer was right in front of them.

"Vivianne, baby, I want you to meet your new client," Henry looked in Beckett's direction as he pointed at him. "From now on, you'll be working outside. Mr. Clainfer personally requested you as his personal dress stylist."

"W-What?" Vivianne asked incredulously.

At that moment, Vivianne would have believed it if Henry said that the sky had turned white or the moon had turned purple.

"W-Why would he need a dress stylist from a small company like ours?" she added.

"Because I liked how you style your clients' clothes," Beckett interjected, his lips forming a pretentious sweet smile... before turning sardonic.

'Just say it, you want revenge!'

Vivianne winced, especially when her gaze landed on the man's cheek. She noticed a small black mark on his cheek that looked like it was covered with concealer.

"No." Vivianne shook her head, her voice firm. "I can refuse, right? It's the first time I'll be turning down a client."

"Baby, don't be too harsh..."

Henry's eyes flickered between Vivianne and Beckett. He was slightly afraid because it was the first time they would have a client like Beckett, but Vivianne's attitude surprised him.

"Do you know that he personally came to our company just to look for you?" Henry tried to convince her, but Vivianne just laughed.

"I'm sorry... I must be delusional. He actually came looking for me?" Vivianne said in a sarcastic tone. "Ridiculous," she added before rolling her eyes.

Vivianne seemed to have stopped caring whether the man in front of her was delighted by her reaction.

"You're talking about me as if I'm not here. How funny," Beckett couldn't help but comment.

He crossed his legs this time, his gaze fixed on Vivianne. She glared at him, and Manager Yu noticed it.

Henry wanted to reprimand Vivianne for her behavior, but besides being a talented dress stylist, Vivianne's family was wealthy.

The Allamino family even owned one-fourth of the shares of their company, and Vivianne had no idea about it. That's why no one could confront Vivianne no matter what she did.

"Baby... look. You know that opportunities like this are rare for us, right?" Henry said as he held Vivianne's hands. "Just think that this will be a big help for all of us... including you."

Vivianne remained silent as she contemplated Henry's words. He was right.

If they could get Beckett as their client, they would be flooded with other celebrities and models, which would undoubtedly increase the company's revenue.

'Can I handle this?' Vivianne asked herself before furrowing her brows. 'What if I get stressed to the point of exhaustion?'

"It looks like Miss Allamino didn't want me as her client," Beckett replied. He continued to gaze at Vivianne, who had a disdainful look on her face. "It's fine with me. I can find another one—"

"Fine. I'll take the job," Vivianne answered before Beckett could finish blabbering. "When do I start?"

"Now," Beckett answered with a wicked smile.

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