Chapter 16

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BEFORE THE PUNCH could land on Beckett, he quickly raised his hand and held onto the woman's fists. Beckett realized she was a woman by the feel of her fists in his grip.

Although small, her fists were surprisingly strong and had a soft yet masculine touch. Beckett winced at the force behind the woman's punch. However, he was relieved that it didn't hit his face again, especially after the trouble he faced when Fiona and the higher-ups saw the bruise on his face from the previous incident.

At least, not for the second time.

Beckett couldn't let someone punch his handsome face again. Fiona and the higher-ups almost went ballistic when they saw the bruise on his face back then, and he knew that if that happened, Syneverse Entertainment would take action.

He doesn't want to lose his freedom, but he couldn't leave the modeling industry for now. Beckett needed to take everything under his control... and this is one of these things; the gunshot, the killer, and his purpose.

"Who are you?" Beckett asked the woman as he tightened his hold on her fists. "Are you his accomplice? Why are you following me?"

The woman didn't respond and attempted to break free from Beckett's grip, but he didn't let her. As she raised her left hand to strike him again, Beckett swiftly caught her wrist.

In a swift move, Beckett pinned the woman to the ground. She was dressed in an all-black jumpsuit with a black cap and face mask, similar to the man Beckett had been chasing earlier, who now lay unconscious on the floor due to a tranquilizer.

This heightened Beckett's suspicion that the woman might be associated with the man who nearly killed the child. To prevent him from spilling any information, the woman decided to make the perpetrator unconscious before he could talk.

"Answer my questions, or I'll break every single bone in your body," Beckett threatened, exerting his strength and dominance over the woman. "Who are you?"

The woman remained silent, irritating Beckett. Negotiation wasn't his strong suit, and he detested anyone getting in the way of his plans. He felt annoyed that he had wasted his time on the now-sleeping man he had intended to interrogate earlier.

"This is your fault..." Beckett said before clenching his jaw in frustration. "Silence means yes. You just pushed me to my limits. And if you think I won't hurt you because you're a woman, you're mistaken."

Beckett raised his hand, delivering a strong blow to her face to render her unconscious. He knew he could handle this problem if needed. Beckett could claim that the woman was also an accomplice and have his people blackmail her to keep her quiet.

Gender isn't an exception for Beckett; if someone interfered with his plans, he would surely hurt them regardless of who they are, except for Vivianne. And damn, even in this dangerous situation, he found himself thinking about her.

And now, he didn't know why he was hallucinating, but he could hear her voice again.

"Wait! Wait!" the woman beneath Beckett exclaimed in panic. "This is Vivianne! Stop!" she added, causing Beckett to stop moving.

"Vivianne?" Beckett questioned as he swiftly removed the woman's face mask, widening his eyes in surprise at the revelation. "What the fuck!"

Beckett was taken aback as he least expected to see Vivianne in this place. He released Vivianne in shock and disbelief, allowing her to breathe freely. Vivianne had thought she could fight back earlier, but when Beckett cornered her, she could only pray for her life.

Vivianne had seen how terrifying Beckett's gaze could be, and she couldn't bring herself to fight back. She hadn't intended to reveal her identity to Beckett, but she needed to use their employee relationship to save herself from harm.

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