Chapter Ten

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I couldn't stand it anymore, the anger I felt when around Jackson was growing and growing till all i wanted to do was bite his head off. He would keep making glances at Vex in a flirty way then later on hurt him to try and get under my skin. What was his deal? He clearly wanted me to lose control but I didn't lose it that easily except when Vex is seriously injured like shot or worse near death. The first time was before I marked him and now I didn't lose control as often.

"Babe..." Vex slid his hand along my arm softly while leaning in Kissing my cheek softly. "You do realize you have a murderous look on your face" he chuckled. Of course i did, i was stuck in a room with the devil himself.

I looked towards Jackson than back towards Vex "do you blame me?" I raised my right eye brow which caused him to shake his head.

"I dont blame you but don't do something stupid please..." the one thing about Vex was his constant worrying about me, he didn't want me to end up back in that padded room for the insane and I definitely didn't wanna go back either but Jackson was pushing my buttons.

"I promise ill be behave" I patted his thigh softly before glancing back towards Jackson, Yeah I definitely lied about that. I wasn't gonna behave much longer if he kept it up.

Back in the day All i did was lose my temper, i would grow angry with ease and snap at everyone. They thought i was bipolar in school and technically you can say i was on how i switched my emotions so easily..

Being mated to someone made my nerves less eager to come out and snap someone neck. I felt safe and calmer with my mate by my side but also didn't help that knowing he could be hurt so easily. That is what made me angry, I couldn't help him when he was hurt. Unlike me i can't be killed by anything. He could which was frustrating because I wanted to give him my abilities to heal and regenerate so easily. I wanted to protect him and the only way I could was to stay near him all the time.

Suddenly our cell door opened which caused all Six of us to look over towards it. A woman wearing a suit and high heels, her hair was blonde and done up into a bun. She looked like a lawyer or a businesswoman. But we don't get lawyers so i think the latter.

She was looking at all of us before her eyes landed on me. She slowly smirked as she walked inside two guards accompanied her on both sides.

"Who are you?" Jay called out from where he sat at the table with Kai. She looked towards Jay and back towards me.

"Hello Little darkling..." she stopped in front of me. "It was very hard to find you..." she slid her long nail on my shoulder making me shudder in disgust.

Vex slapped her hand off me instantly and pulled me close to him "why?" He asked her glaring at her, he hated when anyone touched me in any interest besides friends. I liked the jealousy honestly.

"Wouldn't you like to know" she looked to him before me again. "Grab him..." she walked away instantly and the two guards grabbed onto me and forced me to stand. I looked to Vex who was about to fight them "Stay put love" I was gonna get him in trouble.

I forced to walk following the woman closely before suddenly a blind fold went over my eyes "what the fuck is going on!?" I struggled against the two surprising strong men who held each arm.

She laughed softly "sit him there" suddenly i felt cold metal on my back as I heard snapping and felt leather against my wrists.

Blind fold was pulled off me and there she stood in front of me holding the blind fold in hand. "I have been looking for you to try and..." she looked me up and down "we wanna test on you, we heard about one of you being alive. We have been testing everyone here to try and of you" she smirked

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