Lillian gets Jealous

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In between part 10 & 11

Chaeryeong's perspective:

Last night, I had slept over at Lillian's place since she had wanted me to sleep with her so badly and was okay with it. Not going to lie, ever since the whole Jeju trip that the girls took without me, I've been at Lillian's place a lot. And I'm not talking about just staying for a few hours, no. It's been us commonly sleeping together, me being over when I'm not working, having dinner dates with her almost every night, movie dates, cooking dates, baking dates, and lots of cuddling. Lots and lots of cuddling. We were basically addicted into our relationship, and wanted to spend every moment we could together. Of course, I have to stay at my dorm as well or people would think that something's going on.

Today is my break day, one of the few ones I get this month at least, and decided to spend it with Lillian. After waking up with her still being sound asleep, I had decided to go to the kitchen and cook a nice breakfast for her since she always makes sure I have a lunch, and cooks me something special and leaves a little love note if I forget my lunch. I had opened a copy of the cookbook she printed out, full of recipes from her cooking streams, and decided to cook her something she hasn't had in a while. Huevos rancheros with kimchi. She loves the combination, but always complains that she never is able to cook it for her, but never lists the reason. Deep inside, I know the reason though.

Only a minute before the dish was done, I saw Lillian coming out of her bedroom, wrapped in a blanket and has exhausted eyes. She spent a majority of last night composing music.

"Good morning, my love. Ready for breakfast? I made something special just for you!" I asked with a happy tone in my voice, but also slightly nervous since I'm hoping this would make her day, especially since she's been having a rough time lately.

"You made me breakfast? You know you didn't have to, jagi, but I'll have it anyways just for you." Lillian smiled. "Let me put on some clothes first."

Lillian come out a minute later, wearing a pink dress that looked like it was for indoors. Strange thing is, I've never seen her wear it, which is a shame since she looks very nice in it.

"Here you go, baby. Enjoy!" I exclaimed as I put the plate on the table and sat her down. Her face lit up as soon as she saw what I made her. "Like it?"

"Y-yeah, I love this dish! I just never get to make it, so I can hardly ever have it. How did you know how to make it?" Lillian asked as I handed her chopsticks.

"I used your cookbook that's in the kitchen. Very handy and useful." I chuckled. She sat there for a moment before noticing something. "Why aren't you eating? Is something wrong?"

"Where's your food? I thought you were going to eat as well, no?" Lillian asked with a sad face. I shook my head and gave her a soft kiss on the cheek.

"I took my supplements when I woke up, so I'm not really feeling hungry." I explained.

"Cherry, you gotta have something in your system at least! I take my supplements and eat, even if I'm not feeling hungry. Besides, it's also unhealthy to not eat anything in the mornings. At least eat something small, okay?" Lillian remarked kindly. It put a smile on my face that she's worried for me and wants to make sure I'm fine, so I agreed. "Want some of mine? I understand Hispanic food isn't really your thing, but maybe you'd like it?"

"Sure!" I replied. I went to the kitchen to grab some extra chopsticks and a plate before returning to the table. Lillian had split her food with me, and we had ate together. Not going to lie, the dish actually tasted really good, and was flavor packed. "Damn, this is really good! I forgot to taste test it when I was cooking, so I wasn't sure how it was going to taste, but it tastes amazing!"

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