Chaeryeong Gets Drunk

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Lillian's perspective:

"Lillian-ah, when are you getting home?" Chaeryeong asked over the phone. I sighed as I put one hand on my hip with a sigh.

"Not for a few more hours, sorry." I apologized. "I'm behind on choreography practice for this one song because I wasn't feeling so well last work day or two, and I really have to make up for it."

"But you've been at it for ten hours. Don't you think that's long enough? I'm really worried about you!"

I bit my lower lip before sighing again. I thought about it for a second before I walked towards my bag. "Fine, I'll leave. Only because I don't want you to worry, okay?"

"Yayyyyy! Jagi's coming home!"

I laughed at the last part before she hung up and I started walking out the door. She sounds really excited to meet me, almost as if she had something special for me. Wonder what it was. I sighed as I opened the door.

"What did I do to deserve a girlfriend who loves me this much?" I whispered to myself with a smile and left the training room. "Maybe dating isn't so bad after all."

"There you are, I've been looking all over for you!" Someone to my right shouted at me. I don't know their name, nor do I recognize them, which is really awkward for me. "Where were you at?"

"I was just practicing in the training-" I began, pointing at the training room, looking at the doors to the place I just walked out of. As soon as I looked back, they were gone. "room... hello?"

I looked around and frowned. Weird. This was the first time someone just disappeared in front of me. I just shrugged it off, assuming it was some residual energy from the past.

"Well... I guess someone was very emotional at that time period, and must've left an energy." I chuckled, laughing at myself for being fooled so easily, despite being a medium. "Guess telling the difference between this world and the other world isn't so easy all the time. I should probably head back home, Chae's waiting."

I rushed home, not wanting to leave my girlfriend waiting for much longer, especially since she sounded so happy and excited. I wonder why though. Maybe she missed me that much, has a good story to tell, has a gift or something like that. Or maybe she's just on her period and is excited to see me, so she asked me to come back home again. Wouldn't be the first time. In fact, that happens basically every time.

I got home fifteen minutes later, and sat my bags down before rushing to Chaeryeong's side, who was sitting on the couch, reading something on her phone, smiling the whole time. When I was about to approach her, I decided to go quiet, and surprise her. It was nice knowing she was able to be so happy on her own, always smiling as bright as day, and always cheerful. Well... not always, but usually. When I'm here, she's usually happy, but I never know whenever I'm gone unless the girls say something, so it's nice knowing that her life doesn't revolve around me.

I laid my head on the back of the couch above Chaeryeong's head. She still didn't notice me yet. Even though she was on her phone, I was just daydreaming about what her reaction would be once she notices me instead of looking at her phone. It's none of my business what she's doing on her phone, and don't need to know what she's doing 24/7. I know she wouldn't cheat on me like my exes. She's very loyal, and knows I think very highly of her.

She took a sigh, but was still smiling. "I wonder when Lillian gets backs... maybe I should give her another call." Chaeryeong exclaimed excitedly. The sudden chance of color on her phone caught my eye, and noticed that I was her Home Screen, causing me to smile brightly.

"Aww, that's a cute picture of me." I cooed. Chaeryeong squeaked and accidentally dropped her phone onto her lap upon noticing I was here all along. "Missed me?"

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 10, 2023 ⏰

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