A touching date

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In between part 32 and 33

Chaeryeong's perspective:

Lillian and I had scheduled a date that we had to postpone many times before because of the tour, as well as many other things, but today, we finally are going out. The date's in two hours, and I still need to drive there, but first, I wanted to wear something pretty.

"Yeji unnie!" I requested. I heard a faint 'yes' in the background. "Can you come here? I need help with something."

Yeji walked over here while applying lipstick. "Hm? What's up?" Yeji asked.

"I uh... I have a date with Lillian, and normally we go to a casual place but uh... we're going to a REALLY fancy place since she wanted to treat me there, and I want to wear something extremely nice to surprise Lillian, and buy her some flowers, but I don't know what to wear." I explained. "I mean like, I'm wanting to wear a dress, but I don't know what dress to wear. Is it okay if we buy a dress?"

"When's the date?" Yeji asked.

"Two hours." I replied.

"Buy a dress? No, but I have one that I know for a fact she'd love!" Yeji exclaimed. She grabbed my hand and rushed towards her room. She went to her closet and took out a box. "Before I show it to you, promise me that you will not damage it, get anything on it, or or spill anything. Promise?"

"I promise." I replied.

Yeji opened the box, and showed me the dress. I thought it'd be sure to impress Lillian, and make her extremely happy.

"It's my prom dress, and I have a lot of memories with it, so treat it well, okay?" Yeji said

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"It's my prom dress, and I have a lot of memories with it, so treat it well, okay?" Yeji said. I nodded. "Good, now take off your clothes. I'll help put this dress on."

I sighed and hesitated before undressing, only being in my bra, and my bottoms.

"Well? You want the dress or not?" Yeji asked. I turned to face her, only for her to see me blushing. "Well?"

"Unnie, isn't this fine?" I complained. She shook her head. While me and the girls have seen eachother naked before, it's been different for me ever since I had sex with Lillian a little back. I pouted.

"Quit your pouting, Chae, it's not like we haven't seen our bodies before. Besides, I'm not going to look or do anything." Yeji sighed. "Your bra would show, and you won't need your shorts. Keep your underwear though, there's no need to remove that."

I just sighed before doing what unnie told me to do, and after I did, she helped me fit into the dress. I felt as she zipped it up, and not going to lie, it was more comfortable than I thought. She led me to a mirror, where it took a look at myself, and instantly began to smile.

"Satisfied?" Yeji asked. I nodded. "I bet Lillian would more than love it."

"Thanks Yeji unnie!" I exclaimed as I squeezed her. She chuckled and hugged me back.

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