6- Heat

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Adunni's POV

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Adunni's POV

"Are you sure this is a birthday party? It's looking like a freaking club " I exclaim as I stare in confusion at the decorations.

" Is it not Grace again? She always goes all out "she replies.

The lighting in the room was dark blue, filling the room with a club vibe. " Let's go get some drinks" Biyi says. I nod as we head to the bar nearby.

" What can I get you ?" The bartender asks. " I'd like one Shirley temple " I ordered.

I sip on my Shirley temple as Biyi orders her own drink. My eyes wander through the crowd, searching for a certain someone.

It had become a habit. Whenever I am at a social gathering involving school mates, or classmates, I'd always search for him.

Suddenly, a familiar intoxicating scent feels my nose. Think and he shall appear.I slowly turn to meet a pair of brown eyes.

Big mistake.

The air is immediately sucked out my lungs as my eyes trail over his attire. He's wearing a light blue dress shirt, hugging his muscular upper body. The first two buttons popped open, sleeves rolled up to his elbows.

With black jeans and blue and white Nike's

"Hi" he speaks, a soft smile on his face . "Hi" I reply breathlessly.

" You look stunning" he compliments. I feel the blood rush up to my cheeks as I try to look anywhere else.

" Thankyou " I mummur, my voice barely audible.

Damn shyness!

" You look good too" I reply, finding the courage to look up.

" Thanks " he replies. There is a loud silence between us as we stare at eachother. Time seems to stop as I get sucked into his deep brown eyes.

As If on queue, slow music begins to play, as the DJ announces for couples to head to dance floor.

" May I have this dance ?" He asks, extending his arm.

Someone pinch me.

I can't help the grin that forms on my lips as I place my hand in his. It just feels so right.

He leads me to the dance floor, placing his hand on my waist and grabbing my hand and placing it in his.I place my hands on his shoulder, as we begin to move to the soft music.

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