Chapter 6 you got blood on your sleeves

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3rd person POV

Amari gar and Rachel and Connor were currently looking for any information they can find on lex while Tim dick and Kory payed a visit to talk to Lex.

"Usually we don't give people access to this kinda stuff but considering it's you guys we're make an acceptation " the boy who worked there stated as he and the teens walked to the lex Luthor section

"So what exactly are you looking for" the boy asked " well according to dick lex never tips his hands so we need to see what cards he's showing then we needa figure out what's he's hiding" Connor finished

"So basically we need everything you got on him" Rachel said "wait that's a alotta books and Ion like reading" Amari said making a face

"Don't worry I read them for you" gar told him "that was cringe as fuck but cute aww" Amari smiled at him which made gar blushed

"Will you two lovebirds quit it" Rachel said glancing at them. That made Gar blush deeper.

"Ok here's everything we have on the guy" the guy who works there said and started naming each section to them.

"Ooo the pirate one sounds-" gar starts but gets cut off

"Philanthropy" Connor said and gar repeated

Amari giggled. "Let's head to my office we can pull out the serve" the guy grabbed the box and teens followed him

As the teens got to the edge of the isle Amari heard voices,strange voices like they were here but really weren't.

"Rachel is you hearing them voices too" he asked her "yea but I don't know where there coming from"

Rachel looked around then quickly went to check out the other isle to see if she could find the  source of the voices her and Amari were hearing.

Amari was still in the same isle looking around not noticing Rachel was gone. Amari turned around now seeing Rachel gone" Rachel!" Amari called out. Amari called out again "RACHEL!" He heard something behind him but he assumed it was just Rachel. He let out a breath of relief then turn around but only to realize no body was there.

"Oh hell nah" he looked around again hearing the voices get louder

He turn around and around covering his hears. The voices the whispers they were to much for him, they kept getting louder and louder.

"Shut the fuck up" Amari muttered out but the voices kept going. That was until they suddenly stop.

Amari sighed in relief and took his hands off his ears and stood up straight

"Behind you" Amari heard a voice whisper in his ear . Amari took a deep breath and slowly turned around.

His eyes grew wide in horror

"Hello" a deep wretched sinister voice said

"What the fu.." he starts but gets cut off

"Such a bad mouth to be so young"

He saw a lady about 8 ft tall, skin was paler than snow, her forehead was bigger than Amari's ass and she was naked, tittys just hanging and Her teeth were as sharp knives and her finger nails were long as sticks.

He saw a lady about 8 ft tall, skin was paler than snow, her forehead was bigger than Amari's ass and she was naked, tittys just hanging and Her teeth were as sharp knives and her finger nails were long as sticks

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Amari spreaded each of his hands out forming red pinkish energy balls in each of his palms.

Amari spreaded each of his hands out forming red pinkish energy balls in each of his palms

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The lady let out a slow cackle before charging at him in full speed. Amari eyes went wide and he launched both of the energy balls he had created at her .

They hit her hard enough to knocked the wind out of her and push her back but she used her long nails to stop her for flying back.

"Oh shit" Amari said and ran.

Amari ain't had no idea where he was going he didn't know where Rachel was or gar or Connor or even the fucking worker. He ran faster hearing sharp claws and sinister cackling behind him.He ran into another and another isle till the isle he went into was a dead end.

"No where to run now" the lady slowly cackled and slowly dragged her nails across the floor

"You ever thought about getting ur nails done I got great nail tech girl her name Tameika and she would rock ur world " Amari joked. The lady smirked before bolting towards Amari.

"Oh shit" Amari shouted. He extended out his hands and used his telekinesis to push all the box that were on the shelf off causing them to fall on top of the lady.

He sighed in relief "I don't know what you thought you was gonna do but you wasn't gonna kill me hoe" Amari flipped his blonde braids out his face and step over the boxes. As he was about to walk a ugly hand wrapped around his ankle making him trip and fall right on his face.

He groaned. "Damn bitch you Could've been a little gentler" he held his nose and mouth his nose wasn't bleeding luckily but he could feel his lip was busted. 

"Damn that shit hurt" he said licking the blood off his lip

The lady slowly got up the boxes falling off her

Amari quickly did a hand motion and shot his energy out her making her fly back and hit the wall . He quickly got up and ran out the isle.

He kept going straight looking back around every other second before running into a hard chest.

"Hey..hey" gar said grabbing Amari's shoulders "are you ok what happen?" gar asked as Amari kept breathing hard

"They..they was a lady or monster or something she was chasing me and Rachel and..." Amari stopped himself not only was he out of breath but he was confused as hell

"Rachel is ok she's with dick and Connor at the desk" gar told him looking him deep in the eyes and reach to wipe the blood his had coming down his chin from his busted lip

"And I don't know what lady ur talking about but ur safe now ok" gar said and pulled him into a hug.

He felt safe with gar even tho they only met two days ago he felt comfortable something that he usually ain't around boys .

He took a deep breath as he hugged gar closing his eyes for a second. He then opened then a second later seeing the lady right behind him.

"GAR!" Amari shouted pulling away and pointing

"What the" gar said stunned "that was the lady I saw gar"

The lady quickly ran towards them gar holding his arm out infront of  Amari pushing him back

Gar was ready for a fight but as soon as she got close to them she disintegrated.

Both of the boys were stunned looking at how she turnt into ashes. The boys looked up and saw Connor dick and Rachel

The three of them came running towards the two boys

"What the hell was that" Rachel asked

"I-I don't know" Amari whispers out

Hey y'all hope y'all enjoy this chapter love yall

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