Chapter Twelve

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Chay got out of class early as it was an optional class for having any of their last-minute exam queries answered. The younger was very happy with himself for making it to the class in the first place, mostly because of the event from the morning and because a good portion of his study stress was related to the end-of-semester exam that was held for this class. Having attended this tutorial, he had a much better outlook on the exam and had a good starting point to begin the exam preparation.
In a better mood already, Chay waved goodbye to Ohm and walked his way towards the front of the school. As the class finished much earlier than expected, he had some time before Kim was expected to arrive. Chay planned to use this time to set out a study schedule, even though he knew he would maybe stick with it for a day. Though
Chay did contemplate calling Kim, but his heart didn't allow him to; he felt like he was already a burden to Kim. No longer as happy, his eyes caught the sight of a familiar black vehicle as he walked towards the pickup zone, where he was initially planning to pick a spot and write a timetable. A little confused, Chay walked towards the car, not expecting to see the elder almost an hour before their expected meet-up time.
"Phi..." Chay opened the car door to be met with a zoned-out Kim, blatantly staring off into the distance.
"You finished early?" Kim turned to give his full attention to the younger man, not at all phased by the sudden opening of the door.
"Yeah, I got all my questions answered, so I could leave early." Chay giggled happily, like a little child telling their parents about getting all the words correct on a spelling bee. Kim watched the younger boy attentively, seeing the soft crescents Chay's eyes made with every giggle as his voice reached a higher octave. Chay reached for the seatbelt and sluggishly put it on, failing on multiple attempts to successfully buckle the seatbelt. Kim casually observed everything the younger had to offer, even now. Simply seeing him struggle to put the seatbelt in panned a smile across his face.
Chay rubbed his palms against his jeans as Kim's gaze felt overwhelming, his giggles slowly merging into a dry laugh.
"Phi, you're here earlier than expected?" Chay questioned, hoping to get the elder distracted to lessen the intensity of his stare.
Kim cleared his throat, catching himself being whipped "Arh, yeah, I finished the site visit ahead of schedule". Feeling a little flustered himself, Kim started the engine, hoping the younger didn't catch on.
As the car ride progressed, Chay stared out the window for what felt like forever, trying to calm his heart down, which ultimately failed as his memory kept on taking him to this morning when he became a little too brave and planted a kiss on Kim. Being in the elder's presence and the weird atmosphere from before had Chay remembering the events from the morning. This very memory had managed to distract Chay in class, and he was surprised he managed to stay sane for long enough to have his questions answered.
"You had a good class?"
"Hmm." Chay turned his attention from the road, unaware of his facial expressions that told another story.
"You're smiling? Surely the class wasn't that good?" Kim asked with a chuckle, hinting at something that Chay prayed wasn't what he was thinking. Chay's eyes widened at the mere thought, his eyebrows knitting together, and he was embarrassed that his facial expressions gave away so much of what he was thinking. He felt himself blush, quickly averting his eyes from Kim and staring at his tightly clenched fists on his lap as if he had been caught red-handed.
"Was it about me?" The elder mumbled quietly, just enough for Chay to hear and to get a good reaction out of him.
"Phi no," Chay denied almost immediately, adding to his terrible lie. He puffed his cheeks in frustration, knowing that Kim would not let him live.
"That's some strong denial, babba." The elder watched Chay squirm with embarrassment, knowing exactly what the younger was thinking.
"You have my full permission to dream about me."
"But I'd much rather we practise your dreams in real time."
"Phi" Chay gasped loudly, hitting Kim's arm, which happened to be the closest to his reach. The younger was fully riled up, red as a juicy strawberry, and threw some soft punches at the elder.
"What." The elder laughed like he was innocent. "Your blushing is only adding to this, Chay." Kim continued to tease the younger, getting himself some more puppy hits. Wanting the ground to swallow him up, Chay settled on one last hit at the elder's arm and buried his head in his knees that he had pulled up onto the seat.
"Okay, okay, Phi won't tease you anymore." The elder laughed one last time before taking his hand that got poorly beaten up and placing it at the top of Chay's back, slowly rubbing circles in comfort. Chay whined some more but slowly calmed down, refusing to lift his head from his knees.
The two made their way back to the manor in the midst of Chay getting teased.
"Chay, let's go; we're here." Kim parked the car at the entrance and called out to Chay, who had refused to lift his head. Feeling that the car had come to a stop, Chay believed the elder's words and lifted his head.
"Come on, You can freely dream about me then," Kim said, breaking the silence, as he watched the collected demeanour of the younger flare up in embarrassment once again.
"Phi Kim!" Chay yelled, blood rushing back to him, before hitting the elder one last time and rushing out of the car and into the manor.
Chay sighed heavily, his rosy cheeks puffing out like a squirrel. The younger was rethinking his life choices as he continued to be affected by the elder's teasing, adding to his ever-growing list of embarrassing moments. He felt like a child caught eating chocolate late at night when the parents specifically warned them not to. With all the mushy feelings that surface when he's around the elder, Chay was uncertain as to how to face him, with the added fact that Kim knew he liked their Kiss from this morning. "Oi Chay..." the younger was brought out of his thoughts by a yell from the elevator, the doors opening to reveal Porsche and Kinn. Porsche separated from his lover almost immediately when he saw Chay running towards him.
"Did you just get back?" Porsche ruffled the soft curls that lay bouncing on Chay's head, earning a smiley hum in response. Porsche was dressed in his tailored checked pants and a body-hugging white shirt that he tucked in, highlighting his waist and his muscled proportionality. Chay loved seeing his brother dressed like this, feeling very proud of the handsome man that is his older brother. Porsche grabbed Kinn by his elbow and placed his lover next to him as Kinn silently observed the two brothers.
"Okay, well, have you eaten yet? We're going out to eat. If you'd like to join us?" The elder brother offered with a big smile, his eyes glistening with hope as his pupils widened in on Chay. Porsche had been whining to Kinn the entire morning about his encounter with Chay this morning and about the heavy feelings that followed from it. He was hoping to utilise this opportunity to spend some time and catch up with his brother, to take a breather, and to settle down these heavy feelings.
The younger was quite hungry and frantically nodded in agreement, getting a chuckle out of his brother and brother-in-law.
"Okay, okay, let's get some food then." Porsche placed his hand over Chay's shoulder, pinching Chay's cheeks, unable to resist his cuteness.
"You forgot your bag, Chay." Interrupting their conversation and rudely stopping Chay's free meal, Kim walked in with the younger's tote bag lazily hung over his shoulder.
Chay whispered a small thank you, still wrapped in Porsche's hands. Chay avoided Kim's eyes like the plague, feeling himself blush just by being in his mere presence.
As Chay stared at the ground, counting the patterns and the numbers of tiles, he felt the hand around his shoulder loosen, only to be dragged into another's hold. Confused and a little shaken, Chay looked at the culprit, feeling their hands sneakily glide around Chay's waist and rest in their familiar position. The younger rolled his eyes in disbelief, finding it a little amusing how touchy Kim can get in public.
"Chay's actually busy." Kim loosened his grip on Chay's waist and slid them to his back, feeling the younger man remain still in place. Catching a glimpse of the younger rolling his eyes, Kim wanted to teach him some manners.
Porsche was ready to drag his brother back, only to be stopped by his lover, who had a smug smile on his face.
"I'm literally his brother," Porsche argued, finding Kim's possessiveness to be a little too strong and unnecessary.
Chay felt as if he was glued to the ground, no longer having faith in his poor heart, as the elder ever so torturously let his hands fall down his back. The second longer he spent on Chay's lower back had the younger gripping on the elder, saying, "I am actually busy Phi, you and Phi Kinn go have lunch. I'll join another time" as he dragged him out and into the elevator. Porsche watched in disbelief  as the younger Theerapanyakul got dragged into the elevator as he threw a smug smile and a teasing wave proclaiming his victory.

"You think you're such a sly little fox? Kim walked the younger towards the wall of the elevator once the door closed, not breaking eye contact as the younger's grip on his hand tightened. Chay stared up at Kim, confused, embarrassed, and wondering how he managed to get into this situation every time he was in the elevator as his back made contact with the wall. The elder easily freed his hands from Chay's grip,  taking the younger's hands and securing them to the wall despite Chay's poor attempts to free himself.
Chay stared at Kim; his Bambi eyes widened, blinking a thousand times a second. Though his eyes read confused, his red cheeks told another story, encouraging Kim to follow the rosy blush down to his lips. He examined the curvature of the lips that felt heavenly against his, wetting his lips and wanting to bite into the bottom lip that felt ever so inviting. Finding himself lingering a little too long, Kim unwillingly broke his gaze from the younger's lips, meeting Chay's eyes that felt even more seductive.
In a low, hazy voice, Kim whispered, "You won't be walking for days... when I get you to roll your eyes".
Chay was at a loss for words, coming to a halt in trying to escape the elder's grip. He felt himself physically burn up as his knees felt like he had run a marathon, weak and vulnerable to Kim, to his touch, and to his words. He felt submissive under his gaze and his words as Kim lost the grip on his hands and possessively pulled Chay closer to his body. Just as Chay felt, his body reacted exactly as Kim liked, like a literal needy mess.
"Wanna go on a trip?"


Hi guys....

How are we? I have been lazy so forgive my very late update. I hope you enjoy this chapter and I'll c you guys with the next one :)


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