Chapter Eleven

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The rush of city life was something Kim had never enjoyed, feeling constantly drained by it. No matter how much he tried to get away, it kept pursuing him, persistently managing to lock him in a cycle. As much as he disliked it, he was aware of the significance of being situated in the city, both safety and business-wise.

Kim was never interested in the family business and lucky for him, the family did not harass him over it, but as he is an heir to the Theerapanyakul fortune, he was given the training that was required to hold the responsibilities that came with the family name. And Kim wore it with pride, loving the effect their name has on people.

Unlike his siblings who pursued a degree in business, Kim completed his studies in Engineering, specifically structural engineering. As much as Kim loved his vehicles, he majored in structural engineering to build on a smaller company that the family-owned. It was a company that was given to his dad by their mum's family as a dowry. As much as the family did not need the money from the business, Kim wanted to keep it alive to have some connection to his mother, a connection he would give anything to build. With the help of his family, Kim officially bought the company when he turned twenty-one, in his last year of university. Since then, it's been three years since the company has been under his ownership, going from gross revenue of a million to over ten million in profit over three years. This did come down to long meetings and good tendering completed by his estimating team. As the company was pre-established, it was easier for him to grow it out rather than build it from scratch, which essentially resulted in his short-term high success rate.

Coming to a slow halt, Kim arrived at the project site, a new waterfront residential complex the company was building, alongside another, much larger (tier 1) construction company. Kim parked the car off to the side of the entrance, between the heavy traffic of the morning city rush. Opening the car trunk, he took his PPE out, quickly putting them on to walk into the site.

The entrance to the site was from a side gate that was guarded by two security officers. The guards greeted him with a wai, immediately recognising Kim, not as a project head, but as a Theerapanyakul heir. He entered into a long concreted pathway, with cranes mounted on two far ends and trucks parked along. Tall concrete columns ran along the sides to support the reinforced concrete slabs that were being poured. One tower of the residential complex was near the completion of the first stage and hence Kim attended the site to do a quick walk-through and sign-off on site inspections, to begin the next stages of the project. Though most of Kim's work was off-site either finalising engineering drawings or going over business plans, he had made it a goal to come onto the sites to change up the work pace and environment. Working off-site has helped him a lot since he's been more active in Chay's life as this has resulted in Kim having a hard time staying away from the younger.

"Kim, you're finally here" rang a familiar voice as Kim made his way into the site office. Kim's right-hand man in the business was his university colleague, Leo.

Leo had majored in construction management and became Kim's friend in their first year of university when the two were put into a group project for a first-year university-wide class, which just so happened to be economics. Though Kim found no brainer in figuring out load distributions and all those differential equations for shear, torsion, bending, etc, economics has always had a death grip on him. He even considered changing universities to skip taking introductory economics to only get harshly turned down by his family.

"Is Chay keeping you awake at night?" Leo spoke, nudging Kim with his ever-famous smile plastered on his face.

"Shut it" Kim denied immediately, pushing past Leo as he put his hands up in defense, clearly knowing he pushing the wrong buttons.

"Did the pourers get onto the site yesterday?" Kim changed the subject.

"Yeah well after you went haywire, I'd be surprised if they didn't"

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