Chapter Ten

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Chay rushed past the guards and hopped into Kim's car that awaited him passed the lobby. Though he was walking, he felt as if he was running, feeling unnecessarily out of breath by the short walk from the elevator and into the car. A smug smile covered his face as his mind was pacing back and forth in genuine horror. He wanted to hide in a corner and contemplate on his impulsive decision till he could no longer remember planting a soft kiss on the older. He wanted to be under a blanket, in his bed, drifting into dreamland as his memories replayed his lips touching the older, feeling the tingles of electricity that danced along his lips, tapping along the creases and curvatures.

The guards opened the passenger side door to the fleeing Kittisawasd, who could no longer detach reality from delusion, pre-occupied by his own world. Muttering a quick instinctual thank you, Chay jumped in, feeling his heart rate pulse through his entire body. Trying to settle his racing heart, Chay took a moment to gather his thoughts, closing his eyes and planting his head in his hands. He felt like screaming, completely embarrassed by his sudden jump to kiss the elder. The soft touch of his lips against his palm felt unreal, almost as if he had kissed an ice cube, his lips felt numb yet pins of electricity ran through his skin. Chay beamed into a bright smile, his hands covering his face as he reminisced on the shock expression of the elder. As the younger came back to reality seconds after initiating the kiss, he withdrew to be met with a frozen Kim, his brown orbs widened and his jaw clenched. The elder's jaw had its own fanbase in Chay's mind. Micro movements and aggressions in the elder's face were all from the elder's jaw. Chay had studied the different angles of his lover's jaw, having walked passed the thought of leaving open mouthed kisses along his jaw, following down to the Adam's apple and settling along his collarbone.

Feeling a sudden tug at the driver door, Chay jumped a little, taking his head from his hands. Meeting eyes with Kim, Chay heated up in embarrassment, mentally slapping himself for his wild imagination. The elder no longer looked shocked, his normal stoic self back into play. The younger suddenly felt awkward, wanting to squeeze himself as far away from the elder and occupy his mind with anything that wasn't Kim.

Kim was out of his thoughts, fully immorbalised and stuck in a loophole of the younger kissing him. He couldn't trust himself to not have his mind be only occupied by the last five minutes. Even his walk from the elevator to the car was hazy, for once thankful that he was in the compound where his feet had memorised every floor. As his brain was in overdrive, his default settings had been kicked in, his mafia mind controlling his emotions.

As he was still holding on to the younger's bag, he mentally cursed at his vehicle choices as there was no back seat to place Chay's bag.

Kim felt the shyness mixed with the awkwardness that emitted off of Chay, knowing all too well that the younger would much rather be in his room contemplating on their previous encounter. He took a moment to observe his forever passenger prince, looking smaller than normal, sitting as far away and nervously fidgeting his fingers. Kim couldn't help but reach over, to feel some more of the electricity that ran through his face at Chay's quick peck.

Jumping once again in surprise, Chay whipped his head to look at Kim's hand covering his, his fidgety fingers betraying him and stopping in an instant. Giving a tight little squeeze, Kim slithered his hand between Chay's, taking one hand in his and sliding his fingers through to intertwine them.

"Chay..." Kim felt himself speak.

"Do you wanna hold your bag?" Chay looked at Kim, his big doe eyes widening, remembering the elder still had his bag in his possession.

"Sorry Phi" the younger hurriedly took his hands off of Kim to take the bag into his lap, muttering another sorry in between.

Kim regretted his words straight after, missing having some sort of direct contact with the younger.

"Arhh.. that's fine"

Kim cleared his throat, starting the engine as he did not trust himself to not make a fool of himself by mentioning anything else. He couldn't help but crave for the hand that was in his presence a few seconds ago, his consciousness not wanting to drive out without claiming it back. Staring at the steering wheel, Kim contemplated taking Chay's hand in his again, as his mind whined for some contact. Realising there was no rational explanation to provide to the younger to take his hands again, Kim just reached over, taking the younger's hand that rested around his bag.

Chay watched the warm hands daringly claim his, the long rough fingers moving its way around his fingers as he easily gave access. Giving the clasped hands a quick squeeze, the elder took it over to his lap, smiling in content.

The elder rubbed his thumb across Chay's to calm himself down, in return calming the younger. Feeling more grounded, Kim drove out of the driveway, knowing they were in fact very late.

Chay stared out into the streets, calming down a little to only then get tiringly lost in his thoughts. He was starting to feel the whiplash of going through a rollercoaster of emotions in just one morning, knowing he requires at least a week to get back to normal.

Chay had a very bad habit of being stuck in his own head and over thinking the most unlikely scenarios. Kim was very aware of this. He knew how much pressure the younger put in himself, may it be for uni or life in general. Chay was a people's person, especially being worried about disappointing his brother.

As Kim drove along, he glanced at the younger who had completely stilled, zoning out and gazing out into the road, completely forgetting Kim's presence. Kim wondered what occupied the cute younger's mind, what crazy scenarios he was battling with, if it was filled with Kim the way Kim's was filled with Chay. He wanted to pry into the younger, wanting to know everything that ever crossed his mind but knew better than to actually proceed with his feelings.

Coming to the front of uni Kim squeezed their hands to get the younger's attention. Failing to receive a reaction, Kim softly called the younger.


"Chay" the elder called the younger a little louder the second time.

"Hmm...." Chay finally snapped, looking around to finally register his arrival at his campus. With a little struggle to take his hand off of Kim's grip, the younger took his seatbelt off, taking his bag in the other hand.

"When are you finishing?" the elder questioned, seeing the younger open the door to get out of the car.

"Around 2pm"

"Okay, I'll pick you up then. Give me call if you finish earlier"

"Okay I will, thank you Phi" Chay smiled in an honest appreciation, taking Kim again by surprise at the younger's pure kindness. Kim malfunctioned again, only being able to nod in response. He watched the younger walk past the university gates and into the campus, already missing the home that Chay provided.


hey guys,

here is another update and i hope you enjoy. I am going into end of semester so i most likely will not be uploading till mid June but I'll try my best to get a chapter or so in between then. 

Anyways, hope you guys enjoy this one!!  


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