A Confined Solution.

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“And yer sure Charlie said the both of us had to go?” Angel complained for the millionth time.

Alastor let out an annoyed sigh. “Angel, you act as if I willingly would take you with me on a shopping trip. Yes, Charlie's note said specifically for me to take you.” He then gave Angel a side-eye, “Not that I can imagine why. You’re incredibly annoying.”

“Yeah, fuck you too, dick.” Angel responded as he flipped him the bird.

Alastor rolled his eyes, looking around them as they walked through the empty streets off Hell. This confused Alastor because the streets of Hell were normally filled to the brim of disgusting sinners, begging for the scraps of higher-ranked demon’s plates. But…not today. Today, the sidewalks were empty, cars nowhere to be seen. The shops were boarded up and locked.

It wasn’t until he heard those bells that he understood why.

Both demons froze in place, Alastor’s head slowly turning to face that large clock.

Next Extermination

000 Days

Alastor turned in a panic, quickly grabbing a frozen Angel Dust’s wrist as he dragged him to the side. He shut his eyes, teleporting the both of them into the closest shop. They both fell to the ground in front of the boarded up window, Angel’s eyes wide as two hands clasped over his mouth in fear, the other two hugging his midriff tightly. Alastor’s eyes were just  as wide as his smile, his nails digging into his palms. From outside, they heard the pulsing wing beats land too close for comfort. When Angel’s eyes filled with tears and a sound threatened to escape him, Alastor clasped his own hand over Angel’s two. They made eye contact, and Alastor shook his head.

‘Don’t.’  He mouthed. Angel's shuddering breaths slowed as he squeezed his eyes shut. Even when the wingbeats faded away and all was silent and they let their hands fall, they were quiet.

Well. It looked like they’d be there for a while.


"Think we can go out now?" Angel speaks in a low voice. The two had now moved to the back where they were hidden by several shelves and far away that they could speak in a normal tone without much worry.

"No. Not until we hear the fireworks can we leave." Alastor replied quickly.

Angel sighed in exasperation as he crossed all four arms. "How the fuck does anyone forget it's extermination day? I shoulda' known when we saw all 'dose boarded up buildings."

Alastor nods. His smile shrank as he thought, "Yes, I could have sworn we had more time until today…I suppose time passed me by while I resided in the hotel."

Angel scoffed slightly. "Yer tellin' me." He leaned his head against the wall, his eyes burning holes into the ceiling.

The two were silent for a moment, both staring off into space. The silence was unsettling, so much so that Alastor was the first to speak up. "Say, since we're going to be stuck here for a while, how about a game?"

The arachnid looks over. "A game? Ya' wanna play a fuckin' game durin' extermination day?"

"Well, pardon me for wanting to pass the time!" Alastor glared.

Angel huffs, crossing his arms over his chest. Slowly, though, he sighs. "...what kinda game?"

The deer smiles a bit wider. "Say…21 Questions?"

Angel's silent for a bit longer before nodding. "Okay. You go first."

"Hmm," Alastor thinks, tapping his chin, "what is your favorite food?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2023 ⏰

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