kakashi's house?

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Akira pov

I woke up to my head feeling as though it was hit by hammers. what happened last night?. I opened my eyes a little adjusting to the brightness of where ever I was. All I can see was white all around me "am I in heaven?" I asked myself.
I then heard chuckling, the type of chuckling you would hear from a kind elderly person,

"no your not in heaven child, you're in a hospital in Konoha, one of my jounin found you passed out near a river "

I was right, an elderly person wearing a hat and a long white robe, came in holding a bag. He held the bag to me. "I found this near you" he looked very old and so familiar I wonder why?
"thank you" I said. Then It hit me like a ton of bricks he was the 3rd, hokage but why is he here? he's an anime character!. maybe this is a whole setup and I was kidnapped by cosplayers but why would they do that? it would be reasonable to kidnap me for money but why cosplay while doing it? why not bind me in chains?. My thoughts were interrupted by the hokage "what is your name child?" I didn't want to say hayashi I hate that name it reminds me of my worthless 'parents'.
"say jigoku, little one"an feminine voice says in my mind. strange I only remember having ryuu in me. who is that voice? regardless of what just happened, I say "my name is jigoku akaria" the hokage's eyes widen for a few seconds then return to normal
"where are you from?"I look at him unsure what to tell hi,
"i- um I don't r-remember" he looks at me his face filled with sympathy "akaria, do you wish to stay here?" my face brakes out in a grin.

"i'll stay but I need a place to stay and I want to become a ninja" I say clearly excited. Sarutobi chuckles before saying "you'll be staying with kakashi, and you can become a ninja. I'll make arrangements so you may join the academy tomorrow "the hokage hesitates before asking, "akaria, did you know your whole clan died?" I shook my head tears started to form. I had a family? I thought. I find out I have a family only to discover their gone. Sarutobi approached me and hugged me before continuing, "when the clan was being killed, a mother and her 6 year old child, both from the main branch, was transported somewhere by some members of the clan. They've been missing since. If you're the child, where is your mother?" I break out crying hugging him tightly.

" she d-died I s-saw her g-get k-killed a-and I c-could o-only watch h-her d-die s-she g-gave me h-her n-necklace and d-died i-in my a-arms" I cried harder on his shoulder he gently pulled me away
"I'm sorry I didn't meant to upset you" I nod that's all I could do, I couldn't speak because my throat hurt from crying. I started to calm down and a thought hits me 'why didnt i remember my life in this world?'

The hokage who is currently standing next to the hospital bed, calls for someone from outside the door. An anbu entered, he looked at me than at the hokage, awaiting his command.

"can you please get kakashi?" the hokage asks. the anbu nods and leaves in a puff of smoke. I look out the window next to my bed and see clear skies along with people laughing with others like they had no care in the world.

'must be nice to feel that' I thought with a sigh. Running around the adults were little kids, playing. A few minutes later, kakashi puffed in with the anbu with his infamous lazy look on his face. "hokage-sama you called ?" he asked.

The hokage nodded "akaria here will be sharing you house". Kakashi's eye widens and looked at the hokage in shock.

"Why? Not That I would mind but, may I know why she must stay with me? Aren't there other jounin who can house her? Besides I'm a guy, won't it be strange?" Kakashi asks.

"Yes I'm well aware of everything you said but your the only jounin available and this may help you open up more. I trust you so I believe you will take good care of her" the hokage walks up to kakashi before whispering what I Believe is why I need to stay with someone.

Kakashi nods in understanding and leads me out of the hospital after I changed into the cloths I was found in. The nurses were kind enough to wash them for me. Before I know it, we reach his house. Kakashi pulls out a key from a pocket in his vest and unlocks the door. As the door creaked open I saw that the house was really clean. 'I wouldn't expect less' I thought.He lead me down a hall and into a room. The room walls were light blue.

The room had a large brown oak closet, a bathroom, two windows, a mirror and a bed. It wasn't much, but I was okay with it. 'at least the walls are my favorite color' I thought. Kakashi left me to let me settle in but not before he told me good night. I look out in surprise at the windows, 'it's night already? Wow the time really went so quickly' I thought.

I laid down on the bed and I started to fall asleep to the sweat melody of my locket
'life for me will be different now' I smile and darkness pulled me into a deep slumber.

So how is this chappie ? locket tune ------>

and pic of akaria---------->

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