Free Reading

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You walked by her today in her pretty outfit of vibrant colors,

strands of wavy black hair streaming down,

her tightly wrapped peachy scarf,

as she asked you"Do you want to see your future?"

"Just give me your hand I will tell you how long you will live."

Putting both hands in your jean pockets you shake your head no.

You turn to walk away raising your eyebrow slightly annoyed.

Her little feet are faster than yours,

she stands in front of you now with cards in her hands,

eyes pleading for you to just give her a chance to show you,

this time she says she will give you a free reading,

on who your soul mate is and when you will meet.

You take your hands out of your pocket and cross your arms,

shake your head no again then turn around to go the other way.

She gives it once last try as you are slowly walking away,

speaking loud enough for you to hear,

"what about my crystal ball? It showed me I was going to meet you today"

you stop walking and with a small smile you turn to look at her,

see her gorgeous emerald eyes looking at you,

she thinks she has gotten to you and you chuckle.

Now with her hands on hips looking triumphant,

you stride easily over to where she is standing and say,

"If you can predict my future,

why do you ask me things you know I am just going to keep saying no to?"

You stare at each other for a few moments til you see the defeat in her eyes.

This time you walk away and she lets you go.

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