chapter 1

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**grace **

It's already been our second year in high school and I thought everything will be the same. But as we get to the middle of the school year I've notice that some of the people in my squad as been pulling themselves away from us. Which I don't mind at all. But we been through a lot together. But also it's funny how they talk shit about them and then they go and hang out with them. Double face much. Anyways as I walked to the bus stop I pop in my headphones and press play on my music. The first song that comes up is fool that I am by Adele. Placing my phone in my school blazer I fix my uniform. I made my way to the benches and sat down. Looking around to see if there anyone else awake at this time. Which there isn't. Getting a little bord of sitting here I took out my phone and went to twitter. As I scroll there are people who put funny things weird things and cute things. As I keep scrolling I spot one of my friend tweet.
'Bothered to the fullest' it read. I roll my eyes and keep scrolling. I would comment but Mackenzie said that one quiet would look better. Speaking of her here she comes. Her hair in hot curls like always, button down white shirt, black skirt,white knee socks,school shoes, and her school blazer with the school logo on it. She struggle with the books in her hands. When she reach me she smiles and sigh sitting down

"Hey" I say taking one headphone out

"Hi" she says and looks on her phone... She looks like she's not in the mood for anyone this morning. But she gotta love me... Mackenzie is the really shy one in our group. She has brown hair blue eyes, really kind, she's always smiling but behind that smile has a past and I'm glad to be there.. Because if I wasn't she wouldn't be here now...

"Did you see what Rachel put on twitter? "I asked looking at her. She looks at me and rolls her eyes.

"She stupid" is all she said and I laugh. Yup she's not in the mood. She runs a hand through her hair at the same time I do and we both look at each other and laugh. The bus came and we got up. The doors open and we walked in. Since we are the early ones the bus is empty. Beside our squad in the back. As I look up the floor my friends are seating in the back. Jessica is studying, Samantha is talking to William in the seat behind Jessica. Mackenzie takes a seat next to Noah who's playing on his phone. I take a seat next to Jessica.

"Hey grace" she says Looking up from her text books

"Hey" I said and she goes back to studying, and I go back to listening to music. The song chasing pavement by adele was on.

Oh I forgot, Hello my name is grace Hayes, I have two brothers named Mason and Ed. I'm the 2nd short in my group. My family adores Mackenzie because they like how she gives me advice. Even though sometimes she needs my advice. I have light brown hair, green eyes and normal size lips. In a relationship status, am single. Wait no erase that I have wifey and That's Makenize but other then my wife I'm single. I have a tattoo on my arm that says 'warriors' just like kenize. Let's just say best friend matching tattoos. I'm that type of Jordan girl. Not to girly not to boyish but just right. Mackenzie, Noah and Jessica they are the tumblr crew. In my group. Samantha is just there her outfit is everything she likes. Rachel is.... well lets say she's just Rachel. But anyways my make-up wise I only wear mascara. But anyways as we got to school we all exit the bus. We all sigh at the same time Which made all of us laugh. We made our way to the doors. Ugh high school. Fake people, and those type of girls everywhere and so on and so on. We make our way to the cafeteria. Where Conner and Seth? They are probably late to school. Noah thought he was funny and picked me up throw me over his shoulder and run in the cafeteria.

"Put me down Noah!" I yelled hitting his back playfully while laughs

"Never!" he yells laughing

"Come...on...Noah" I said in between laughs. We come to a halt and I look up to see everyone laughing... This is why I love this group. He puts me down and we waited for everyone to catch up.

"So how's everything?" I asked

"It's been good how about you?"

"Eh" is all I said and he laughs. Once everyone catch up we went to our table but on our way that way we spotted Rachel. Mackenzie keeps walking and we followed her. We all took a seat and looked at each other in awkwardness. See this is what I hate when we see one of our friends somewhere else we all get awkward. Kenize takes out her note book and starts to write in it. She always doing this with Noah. Kenize and Noah are the closes friends since they were in 2nd grade. Never loosing contact. Mackenzie has a boyfriend Which is Seth. He's the type she's been always looking for. A nice guy of course. Seth is always wearing button down shirts, dress pants and shoes and at times blazer. And sometimes ties or bow ties. Seth has light brown hair, blue eyes a.k.a depends on the weather or what he's wearing. He's eyes would be blue, dark blue, light green, pure green or gray. He has nerdy glasses and he has perfect white teeth like the rest of us. He's always showing his award winning smile... As I look up from the table Seth is making his way towards us. With a smile I smile back at him. He takes a seat next to kenzie Once he reached us. He kisses her cheek Which caused her to smile. But she keeps writing. My stomach growls and I frown looking at everyone

"I'm hungry" I say

"Same" everyone says but Seth and kenize.

"Let's get something to eat" Samantha says and we nod. Getting up from the table and walking away leaving Mackenzie with Seth. They been dating for 5 months. I find there relationship cute just like Jessica and conner. We got in line and grabbed what we wanted taking out our I.d from school to pay for breakfast. Well I hope this day goes by fast.

Hey guys this is the first time writing a book. I hope you guys like it. I'm Getting ideas and help from my best friend. Please don't forget to vote and comment bye:D

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