chapter 2

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**Rachel **

"I can see your group isn't happy about you sitting over here" Katy said nodding her head towards the back of me. I look back and seen everyone walking towards the table. I shrugged my shoulder and looked at Katy

"I don't care" I sayed and took another bite of my bagel. Katy shrugs and keep talking to the Peron next to her. I sigh. Why are they so upset? I mean it's my life right? I can do whatever I want right? Of course Rachel don't be stupid. I shake my head and looked up to see David my boyfriend coming over to the table. I smile and he smiles taking a seat next to me. I turn around to face him. He leans forward and plants a kiss on my lips. I smile and took his hands in mines. David is a really nice person he gets along with his friends and mines. I take another bite from my bagel and looked behind me again. To see Seth and Mackenzie. The way she writes in her notebook and he has his arm around her chair and he's looking at her in awe. He points at something and he tells her something. She looks up and squint to see. He looks at her and laughs. Which she laughs to. He reaches in her bag and takes out her glasses. She puts them on and looks what he's pointing at. She laughs and he laughs along with her I look at what they are looking at and it's Conner trying to sneak up on Jessica. He scared her and made her jump making her breakfast go everywhere. He laughs and she punches him. I chuckle.

"What's funny?" Katy asked bringing me back to look at the them

"Huh? Oh Nothing" I says and look at my food. I took the last bite then drink some of my orange juice. The bell rings. Moment later and we all get up. I grabbed David hand and we walked out the cafe to class. I walk so close to him. He looks down at me and I look up. He smile at me and I smile back...we reached my first period class Which is math.

"See you later" David says and gives me a kiss. I nodded and walked in. I look around the room and spot Seth and Mackenzie. I walked over to them and grabbed the seat next to them. I flip my hair behind to my back and took out my notebook. The late bell rings and the teacher walks in. I look to my left and Seth is writing down the notes on the board while Mackenzie is Getting her stuff out.

"Psst Mackenzie" I Say and she looks at me. I wave at her and she smiles. I look back at the board and start to copy down my notes.
Class is almost over and the teacher said we can have the five minutes to our self. Which I gladly took and went on my phone. Looking though Facebook, twitter and IG. Everything on here is boring so I put my phone down and played with my hair and popping my gum. Everyone looked at me the third time I pop my gum.

"What?" I asked a little snappy they all went back to there convo. I heard someone chuckle. I look to my side and see that Seth is telling something to kenize. I wonder what? The bell rings and we all walked out the class room.

"Hey guys wait up" I said and they stop waiting for me I got my stuff and ran up to them. We walked out the class room and walked down the hall.

"So what you guys doing this weekend?" I asked

"Um chilling I guess" Seth sayed and I nod

"Hey can I come over?" I asked kenize

"Grace is coming but you can still come" she sayed and I shake my head

"No Thank you" she looks at me crazy and stops walking. Seth stands in front of her. What? did I do something wrong? she rolled her eyes and keep walking. what got into her? Seth sighs and runs his hand through his hair.

"See you" he says and walks away. Umm okay... I walk down the hall and into my next period class. I seen Katy in the back so I made my way towards her

**Seth **

Why can't these girls get along? Well from what I know they Been friends for two years now I don't understand the problem. Also if I didn't stand in front of Mackenzie she would of explode like she wants to. But knowing her she won't want that. But I also realized that Rachel been pulling herself from the group she's been a really good friend. But ever since she met David everything just want down hill. I don't want to blame him but come on his friends just effected Rachel in ways that her friends don't want to be near her at all. I seen Conner at the biology door and I walked up to him since that my next class.

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