Finished already, huh?

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*Knock knock*

Paul and I threw the blanket over ourselves. John came running in looking at the paper.
"Oh my lord! You have to see-"
He looked up
"Oh shit-"
He covered his eyes and exited the room.

Paul and I sighed at the close call and went to get dressed.

We walked out of the room.

And went to the living room.

"Finished already huh? Anywho, look at this!"

John handed us the paper

In front of my eyes it read

"The Beatles reached top 5 in the us"

I hugged John and Paul

"Also I wrote a new song"
Paul added as he pulled away from the hug.

He ran to his guitar and started playing a song,

"I give her all my love
That's all I do
And if you saw my love
You'd love her too
I love her
She gives me everything
And tenderly
The kiss my lover brings
She brings to me
And I love her
A love like ours
Could never die
As long as I
Have you near me
Bright are the stars that shine
Dark is the sky
I know this love of mine
Will never die
And I love her
Bright are the stars that shine
Dark is the sky
I know this love of mine
Will never die
And I love her"
He finished singing and he kissed me.
"I love you so much, love!"
He smiled

My eyes widened trying to process the words that had been spoken,

"Oh I uh if you're not ready for that yet I totally underst-"
I cut him off by kissing him

"I love you too"

He smiled and sighed in relief
"Macca ye didn't do it by yourself"

Paul nodded
"John helped me"
I hugged John 
"It was amazing! Thank you!"

Paul kissed me again
"Ava do you want to go on a date tonight?"
I smiled and nodded
"How's 6:00?"
George walked into the room
"Ava mom and dad want us homie"
I nodded and kissed Paul goodbye
"Goodbye gorgeous"
He kissed my forehead and we walked out the door.

We got home and I ran to my room to get ready.

I dug through my closet and found a cite dress, I decided to where it.
I got in the shower and shaved, I washed up then got out

 I got in the shower and shaved, I washed up then got out

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I finished getting ready at 5:30 so I had turned on my record player and started playing buddy Holly and danced around my room

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I finished getting ready at 5:30 so I had turned on my record player and started playing buddy Holly and danced around my room.
"Ava Paul is here"
I walked out of my room and went down stairs.
"Wow you look beautiful"
"Thank you!"
"Shall we m'lady"
He offered me his arm

"We shall"
I took his arm and he lead me to his car.

He opened the door for me.
He got in And we drove off.

"Where are we going?"
I asked
He just smirked
"Then it wouldn't be a surprise"
He placed his hand on my thigh.

"Can I have a hint?"

He shook his head.

We eventually got to a park and Paul rushed to my side of the car and opened the door.
He grabbed my hand and helped me out of the car.

"Come Ed"
He placed his hand over my eyes and placed his other hand on my waist.
"Like I said a surprise"
He guided me for a while before counting down
"3, 2, 1,"
He removed his Hands and I saw

"Tah-dah" "Oh my god paul this is beautiful" I turned and hugged himHe put his hands on my waist "Not nearly as beautiful as you"I pulled away and looked up at him"Uno reverse"I booped his nose He frowned jokingly "But it's Opposite Day"I gasped s...

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"Oh my god paul this is beautiful" I turned and hugged him
He put his hands on my waist
"Not nearly as beautiful as you"
I pulled away and looked up at him
"Uno reverse"
I booped his nose
He frowned jokingly
"But it's Opposite Day"
I gasped sarcastically I was thinking for a response when paul picked me up
I started flailing around in his arms trying to escape. He sat me down on the ground next to him. I pretended to pout then he put his finger on my chin lifted up my head and kissed me I leaned back to lay down, paul followed me and got on top of me and started kissing my neck
"Paul were in public!"
"I don't see any one"
I pushed him off
"As much as I'd love to. We really shouldn't"
He gave me puppy dog eyes
"Why not?"
"1. Where in public 2. We had sex 2 twice In the last day 3. I'm tired"
"But I can't resist your beauty. It's so tempting"
He said as he pulled me in by the waist,
"One more kiss!"
He frowned
"Come on you know you want to" he pulled me onto his lap and played with my straps teasing to take them off.

A little thing called love (Paul McCartney x reader)Where stories live. Discover now