Hello princess

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I woke up in cold sweat.
Confused, i frantically looked around for a clue as to what just happened.

Knock knock

The door flew opened
"Good morning"
George sang

"W-what happened?"
I asked

George gave me a confused look

"Is dad okay?"

He became even more confused
"Yeah he's fine. Why?"
It was a dream?
It felt so real
So dads okay?
And Paul didn't cheat on me?
Paul still likes me.
Or was that a dream to?
No couldn't have been
It was before I fell asleep
"Ava? What happened?"
He asked concerned
"Nothing just a bad dream"
I shrugged it off

"What did you need?"
I asked George

"Is it true?"
He asked eagerly

"That you and Paul are dating?"

I bushed and nodded slightly

I still couldn't believe i was dating someone famous.
Totally an upgrade from jack.

"I'm so happy for you"
He hugged me

"Paul's a good fella!
You guys make a cute couple!"

I smiled
"He makes me feel like myself in so many ways and I feel like I can be myself, without being judged."

"Well I just want you to be happy"
He got up and left

I laid back down and sighed before rolling out of bed and walked over to my closet.

I picked out my favorite dress and put it on

I picked out my favorite dress and put it on

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I walked into the living room.
And there was a knock at door, I opened it and Paul was standing there with his hands behind his back.

"Hi Paul"

"Hello princess. And These.."
He paused
He brought his hands to the front of his body and had a bouquet of flowers.

Daisies to be exact

"Are for the prettiest girl in the world"
He handed them to me

My face lit up and I grabbed them. And brought them to my nose and inhaled the sweet sent.

"How did you know I like daisies."

His eyes darted to George.

George had a guilty look on his face.

I squeezed Paul tightly and kissed him

"Thank you, thank you, thank you!"

He laughed
"Of course darling!
Anything for you"

I smiled 

"You mean everything to me Ava!"

I hugged him once more

"There gorgeous" I exclaimed

"Like you"
Paul commented
Which caused me to blush

He paused waiting for my an

I looked up at him


"How would the loveliest lady in the world like to go to a party?"

I smiled then it faded

"I don't know.. last time I went to a party I embarrassed myself.."

I placed his finger on my chin and lifted my head

"I won't let that happen" he said in a slightly seductively as he smirked

It sent a wave of shivers down my spine
I took a deep breath and exhaled slowly

I could tell he knew that turned me on

He grabbed my waist put his lips by my ear.
I could feel his breath on my neck.

"You liked that. Hm?"
He whispered in my ear.

My eyes widened as my face grew red

He smiled and laughed

"You so cute"

I looked down flustered

"So how about that party?"

I nodded

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 14, 2023 ⏰

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