Kenji Sasaki: Origin

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In the realm of Mortal Kombat, within the Tsuki no Kage Clan, there existed a lineage of warriors known as Moon Knights. Among them was Kenji Sasaki, a young man with a rich heritage and an unyielding spirit.

From an early age, Kenji was trained rigorously by his father, the previous Moon Knight and a revered martial arts master. Under his father's guidance, Kenji honed his skills, excelling in both physical prowess and spiritual discipline. He mastered various combat techniques, blending elegance with lethal precision.

However, tragedy struck the Sasaki family when a rival clan, known for their treachery, launched a surprise attack. In the chaos, Kenji's father valiantly fought to defend their honor but fell victim to overwhelming odds. Devastated and filled with a deep desire for vengeance and justice, Kenji emerged as the sole survivor.

3rd POV

Deep within the woods, the camera shows a young teenager, that Teenager was Kenji Sasaki holding a katana looking at his surroundings listening for noise. As he heard sounds coming from his right and as he slowly approaches he stops for a second and closes his eyes. Without him knowing there was a person behind him and as Kenji slowly opened his eyes he quickly turns around and bring his blade up to the person's neck and that person was his Father.

Father: (Chuckles) Very good, (Kenji put the blade away) You hearing has improved.

Kenji: (bows) Thank you father.

Father: I must warn you the path you are taking will not be easy, being Moon Knight and Taking over the clan is the most difficult thing.

Kenji: I understand Father, I won't fail you.

Father: (Place his hand on Kenji's shoulder) I know you won't.

Out of Nowhere an explosion was heard in the far distance in the woods which caused the birds to flee.

Kenji: What was that?

Father: I don't know, (pulls out his blade) let's go.

As they both run through the woods, the camera cuts to the two coming out of the wood and shows their Summer Cabin Mansion was under attack.

Father: No.

Kenji: Father, Mother is still inside.

Father: I know, stay here I'll go get your mother.

Kenji: Yes father.

As the Father went inside the ninjas began going to him and began to attack but he strikes first and starts killing all of them entering the cabin, soon more ninjas was coming and Kenji decided to help, he starts to kill the ninjas on the stairs and works his way down and as he gets ready to kill the last one he was kicked to the side and a ninja star was aimed at him but blocks it with his blade and see the ninja in front of him.

Kenji: Coming was a big mistake. (Both Starts walking in circles)

Ninja: The Tsuki no Kage is coming to a end.

Kenji: That's not happening.

Ninja: (stops walking) No Rookie is stopping us.


The Ninja darts forward, disappearing into thin air and reappearing behind Kenji. The Ninja's blades slice through the air, but Kenji anticipates the attack, parrying the strikes with his trusty katana. Their weapons clash, sparks flying as they engage in a deadly dance of precision and skill.

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