@moonchild4everyoung OC

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Owned by moonchild4everyoung

First name: Kaitlyn

Last name: Jones

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Bisexual

Age: 25


Backstory: She's from Australia and left her country at the request of Liu Kang

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Backstory: She's from Australia and left her country at the request of Liu Kang. When it comes to fighting she is unusually nimble, swift, and in control of her flames but if you harm a friend of hers she will lose her cool on the opponent. She prefers traveling by motorbike and can use her pyromancy through her scythe. She's not one to jump into a fight unless she either understands the situation or if it's one of her friends that's in it.

Powers: Pyromancer

Weapons: Long scythe and motorbike (for special moves)

Personality: She is normally quiet giving others the impression that she is antisocial and rude when in reality she's shy and not good at talking to others. When it comes to romance she's not very good at expressing herself through words so others rely on her body language and her eyes. She has a silly side to her where she makes jokes to break tension or to make someone feel better and downright just a sweet person who grew up in a harsh environment. If she falls for someone he falls hard. Never piss her off other wise she will go ham on the poor bastard that did. If she's in a bad mood her friends tend to either steer clear or talk to her about how her bike is coming along, a bit of a smart ass at times.

Likes: Sweets, savory food, her motorbike, her friends, the cold, drawing, working on her bike, and stargazing.

Dislikes: Cruel/greedy people, corruption, super sour treats, and the unbearable heat

Love interest: Smoke

Thanks to moonchild4everyoung for her character

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Thanks to moonchild4everyoung for her character.

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