Part 2 of today's double update <3
She could just imagine the double miming act that they were performing for the real estate agent; and her spine grew rigid. She could vaguely recollect that, besides the task of ceasing this inappropriate behaviour, there was also a phone call that needed ending. Her fingers curled frantically; and then she remembered that she wasn't the one holding her mobile.
The whiskers of his beard were as coarse as she imagined. Her hand twitched, and they scraped the heel of her palm. His lips and his breath were hot against her skin.
Jackie couldn't tear her eyes off Michael's car. It stopped; Alexander shifted. And then his fingers wrapped around her wrist, and he carefully took her hand off his mouth. Jackie was negotiating with her stiff neck on turning her head, with its painfully flaming cheeks and ringing ears - and that's when Alexander rubbed the inside of her wrist with his thumb. Jackie finally managed to look at him - only to find herself staring at the top of his head, while he placed a small kiss on the bracelet lines on her wrist.
He lowered their hands, without letting her go, and placed her mobile into her grasp.
"A piece of pot scraped my ankle," he said levelly.
If blush stains weren't burning on his cheekbones, Jackie could almost believe that she'd been the only one who'd seen anything out of the ordinary in what had just happened between them.
"I'll ask Michael for a first aid kit," he added - and released her hand.
Her Android dropped on the ground with a pathetic thump.
Alexander picked it up and offered it to her again.
"What a menace," he murmured - which shook her out of her stupor.
"Don't move!" she ordered and dashed towards the agent standing near an open door to his VW.
"Should I get back in my car and give you more time for whatever that was?" Michael asked with a giggle, while Jackie headed to the back of the car.
"I need your first-aid kit," Jack muttered.
"Hiya!" Michael hollered, waving wildly at Alexander. "Did you quickly hook up to celebrate the deal's closure?" the agent then asked Jackie, thankfully keeping his voice low. "Why do you need the kit? Are you secretly super kinky?"
"Shush," Jackie hissed at the agent and threw an anxious glance down the driveway. "He bumped into something in the shed."
Alexander stood in exactly the same spot, his hands pushed deep into his jeans pockets.
"That's just dull," Michael scoffed, taking the black case and handing it to Jackie. "I don't know about you but I'd sink my teeth in that shoulder at the first opportunity. Or that calf."
Jackie couldn't help but stare at the agent. She was aware that her limited experience was as humdrum as heterosexual married shagging could be - but outside some very specific fetish, why would anyone want to bite someone else's leg?
"I'd ask him out, but who knows how he would react. I don't want to arse up my chances to sell his other two cottages." Michael whispered conspiratorially. "Do you know if he's gay?"
"I know that his leg is bleeding," Jackie grumbled and headed back to Alexander.
"Right, yes, good call," the agent muttered and followed her.
After a short argument - Alexander didn't want to muck up the floors inside; Jackie barked at him that it was 'almost her floor' now, and that he needed to sit down - the three of them walked in. Michael started faffing around Alexander, who sat down on the second step of the stairs leading to the first floor and rolled up his trouser leg. His hands worked quickly and deftly; and Jackie considered giving her noggin a good shake, to chase away the oddly graphic memories of him examining her ankle. The laceration on his leg wasn't large, but deep and still bleeding profusely. Michael retreated into the sitting room pretty much immediately.

Her Melting Point
RomanceJocelyn Burns returns to the county of Fleckney after ten years of building her teaching and education administration career in Bristol. She's divorced, disillusioned in romance and any sort of closeness, and set in her ways. When she's approached b...