Falling Action

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Despite her profoundly giddy, loved-up state, on Thursday morning, Jackie noticed the odd mood in the office right away.

"Morning," she greeted Ella, who, contrary to the usual proceedings, jumped to her feet when Jackie entered the room.

Ella rushed to Jackie and ushered her into a small board room adjacent to the office. The secretary hastily closed the door and pressed her back to it.

"What's up?" Jackie asked, bracing herself.

"Mrs. Guthrie called twice this morning, looking for you," Ella whispered frantically. "She also said that you wouldn't be here for lunch, so I shouldn't schedule anything for you. I mean, I used to manage her diary, so she assumed–"

"That you're doing the same for me," Jackie finished the thought and nodded. "Makes sense."

"She also left you a message to call her back as soon as you come in." Ella handed Jackie a sticky note with the words 'Mrs. Guthrie, lunch, urgent' on it. "And she asked how you were... doing. As in, 'How's she settling in? What's new?'" Ella mimicked the former Headmistress' posh intonations.

"Uh-huh," Jackie drew out, staring at the pink paper square.

"It's about Coach Fergusson, innit?" Ella asked, in an even quieter voice. Jackie's eyes flew up; and Ella gave her a forced apologetic smile. "Everybody's talking about it."

Jackie stuffed the note into the pocket of her dress.

"And what is everybody saying exactly?"

"That–" Ella was visibly uncomfortable. "That you're... in a relationship."

"Right. As in 'dating' or 'sleeping together?'"

"Um..." Ella fidgeted with a pen she had in her hands. "There are different rumours. But mostly– yeah, sleeping together."

Jackie fixed a direct look on the secretary's face.

"Is that what you told Mrs. Guthrie when she asked what was new with me?"

"No! Of course not!" Ella exclaimed, blanching. "I told her how well everything was going! And that you're on top of things! I mean, as a trustee, she knows the official part. So she asked about my impression, sort of emotionally; and I told her how much we all appreciate you!"

"Thank you." Jackie softened her tone. "I appreciate working with you too. I'll go give Mrs. Guthrie a ring."

When she headed to the corridor, Ella lingered behind, still somewhat shaken.


As per Mrs. Guthrie's demand, for their 'unofficial meeting slash lunch,' they met up in the Oak and Shield, Fleckney's historic pub. While they waited for their food, they exchanged a few pleasantries and discussed the preparations for the fashion show, this year's festive project in the Comprehensive, held in place of a nativity play, which the county hadn't staged for almost a decade.

Once they collected their plates and drinks from the bar, and returned to their booth; the former Headmistress sighed and picked up her fork.

"Would you like to address the proverbial elephant in the room already?" Jackie chuckled and broke off a piece of naan. "I promise you, it won't spoil my appetite."

The other woman gave Jackie a sardonic glance. "Shouldn't it? The situation is rather dire."

Jackie chewed a spoonful of her curry.

"And what is the situation?" she asked calmly.

"The school's governing board has been strongly advised to hold an ad hoc meeting to discuss the private and public morals of the school's Headmistress." Mrs. Guthrie tilted her head towards Jackie. "A number of concerns have risen recently; and some members of the board feel that a preliminary examination is now in order."

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