So Healthy It Shines

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He left for the bathroom for the third time, and Jackie rolled on her back and stared into the ceiling. Her head felt empty. On his way there, he'd picked up his pants from the floor. She wondered if it meant that they were done. She had no objections either way. She'd been out of energy since about an hour ago, so he'd done all the 'work' during the last round. On the other hand - and there was no arguing that anymore - sex with Alexander had been amazing!

The loo flushed, the lid banged closed, and water ran. Jackie sat up, pressing the duvet to her chest.

He stepped back into the room, his black boxer briefs on; and she asked herself what people, who weren't in a committed relationship and had just had sex, talked about after.

"Would you like me to help you with the litter box?" he asked, stopping next to the bed.

Jackie was sure of one thing: the answer to her earlier internal question would be 'Not about a cat toilet.'

"Um, thank you," she muttered. "I guess– yes, please?"

He tilted his head and studied her. He reminded her of some large bird, like an albatross. Jackie tugged the cover higher.

"We're out of protection," he stated.

"Right." Jackie gave him a confused look. "Yes, yes, we are."

He shot her another unreadable glance, and then walked up to the bed, and sat down on the edge. He seemed to have purposefully left space between their bodies. More so, he wasn't even making eye contact.

"I probably would've wanted to do it again," he said. "But we're out. And I went to the loo, and remembered that Tartufo had to climb out of the window. And I thought I'd offer because you said the box was heavy. I'm sorry. My timing was poor."

He finally looked at her, sideways, from the corner of his eye - and Jackie burst into laughter.

"Yeah, it was," she answered between peals. "That might just be the least romantic topic you can bring up after you shag someone for the first time."

"I'm sorry," he repeated in a low voice.

"You shouldn't be," Jackie said, immediately regretting teasing him. "Now that I understand your thought process, I think it's properly sweet of you. I shouldn't have made fun of you."

"It's alright," he said with a shrug. "I don't give a toss. As long as you aren't upset. I want you to feel good after sex with me."

Jackie chuckled and shifted closer. She rested her cheek against his upper arm and closed her eyes.

"I feel very good after - and during - sex with you."

She smiled, without opening her eyes, and rubbed her nose up and down his triceps.

"I know that pillow talk is important," he said.

His serious tone made Jackie snicker; and she heard him exhale a little disgruntled huff.

"Yes? What about pillow talk?" she asked.

Somehow she didn't feel at all awkward now.

"I normally make it all clear from the start," he grumbled. "Nuances are hard. Sex makes it more complicated. I ask how the other person wants to proceed; and I comply if I'm comfortable with it. Usually, I'm not. I can't sleep in a strange bed. Because of smells and body temperature."

"Sure, sure." Jackie winced away from him. "Sorry, I haven't–"

"I'm hungry," he interrupted her and then followed it up with a frustrated groan. "Sorry."

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