So Help Me God

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Part 2 of today's double update.

I hope you enjoy!

Thank you for reading!


K. xx


Ms. Peggy Brown was a redhead, which of course was a significant factor in the county of Fleckney; but the question which of the local heartthrobs of any gender could become the woman's potential plus-one was a complicated one. Up until three years prior, Ms. Brown had resided in a cloistered Carmelite convent and had gone by the name of Sister Margaret. 

These days, she organised diverse and inclusive historic tours around Fleckney and the tri-county area, in collaboration with the Fleckney Conservation and History Society. Due to her personal circumstances, Jackie was also aware that Ms. Brown resided in one of Alexander's letting cottages, and had the worst of luck with her plumbing. She was also known to have green fingers; the garden around her cottage had grown and flourished to an astonishing degree since she'd moved in. She donated the fruit and vegetables that she grew; and, apparently, volunteered in every single charity organisation in Fleckney. 

These days, she wore demure maxi dresses and long-sleeved cardigans; and her straight, light copper hair was perpetually tucked behind her ears, not a hair out of place. In summation, all of her was so prim and proper that one could still sort of see the afterimage of the nun's habit shimmering around the woman. Unlike some other resident gingers, Ms. Brown hardly turned heads; but every time they met, Jackie was mesmerised by the woman's remarkable, most charming eyes. Dark brown, deep and warm; laughter dancing in them, they made Jackie think of her childhood favourite Chelsea Whopper sweets.

Despite her pietistic manners and a pronounced, distinctly old-fashioned air of naivety around the woman, Ms. Brown's visit to the Comprehensive had been a massive success. She had a knack for relating and connecting to teens, as well as an exceptional talent for storytelling. She'd spoken about the 'revived Palladian architecture' and of 'a four-columned, blind triumphal arch' of the Bjornsson Hall; and yet, since she'd provided enough context and plenty of curious historic anecdotes, the students had hung on her every word. Follow-up questions had, of course, been mostly about Ms. Brown's personal circumstances; but she'd managed to answer them with grace and humour. Jackie had taken to the woman immediately.

They'd just sat down at the table, when a series of shrieky, disgruntled noises came from the baby monitor.

"Oh goodness me," Ulla exhaled and rose.

Her partner was on his feet already.

"I'll go, darling," he said, excused himself, and dashed out of the sitting area.

"I'm sorry," Ulla said, sitting down again. "She's a state today. None of us slept much." She rubbed her eyes, and Jackie noticed how red-rimmed they were. "She's colicky; and all three of us are paying for it."

"Is there anything we can do?" Jackie asked.

"Would you like to postpone our lunch?" Ms. Brown offered at the same time.

"No, no, it's quite–" Ulla started answering, only to be interrupted by a loud howl and the vicar's comforting baritone coming from the gizmo.

"Ms. Brown, I'd still love to chat. How about we move to my place? It's just next door," Jackie offered.

"Oh that's an excellent idea!" the former nun exclaimed and quickly rose.

"Please be honest with me," Ulla said, stifling another yawn. "Are you two OK with this? I was planning to cleverly hook you two up, but I simply haven't got any energy for subtlety."

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